2024 Yearly Recap (Bunpro Wrapped)

I didn’t make it to 100% in time for the year end, but I should get there sometime in January.
239 days, 220 hours, 29846 reviews (12211 grammar reviews, rest vocab with an additional 65000 vocab on WK and 2500 on Anki where I’ll fully migrate eventually). Mostly grammar, but I did do some vocab on bunpro here and there to fill in gaps when I ran out of words on WK so I’m not sure if that’s included in the time count.

I can testify bunpro is an enormous help for structured learning combined with immersion because I started bunpro in May with zero grammar understanding and without missing a single day almost finished N5-N1 grammar in well under a year. Also a substantial amount (hours a day) of manga, vns, and anime to practice. (Yes, I am 自宅警備員.)

I look forward to fully focusing on vocab and using the language. I still have tons of holes in my understanding of nuance and there’s definitely things not covered by Bunpro and my ability to write and speak is quite low, but I feel like I can understand almost every sentence I come across as long as the vocab is known or can be easily inferred from context. I still haven’t come across all the grammar in the wild, but a pretty large amount of them. Wouldn’t have recognized as much grammar as I did if I went the immersion only and add points as you go route, too many things that wouldn’t stick out to me as having a different meaning.

Huge thanks to Bunpro team, you rock!


Mines not loading either. On the app it says null, and on my computer it just keeps spinning.

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Hi! Mine also don’t load

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Same thing over here.

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@Peyton19 @loikuu @Flandre5carlet
Could you tell me the version of the app you are using and is it app store/play store?

I am using the link provided, not using the app

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Also doesn’t load for me in the web version.

Edit: actually nevermind, just worked now after many tries.

And so ends my first year on Bunpro. I actually did join exactly on January 1st, making it my New Year’s resolution to give Japanese another go after a 20 year long history of on-and-off (mostly off) studying. I’m very glad I found this site, as I have managed to keep studying every day, pushing my understanding further than it has ever been.

Highlights of the year include taking the N4 and N3 tests (hopefully with success) and being able to read and watch the first native content without full translations.


@Peyton19 @loikuu @Flandre5carlet

Mind trying now please? I manually generated them for your account. Seems it just took a while to calculate them.


I can see why it might have taken a while to calculate…


Works now, thank you very much!


It works now ! Thanks ! :raised_hands:


Still mad that I missed a random Thursday where I’d told myself I already did my daily reviews!

I wish I could make this more than a hobby sometime in the future. I can never seem to please myself with my progress having a full-time job.


Did some intensive sessions at the end of 2024 for JLPT, managed to get Full N5 and N4 + 1/3 of N3 content in 4 months!


I really need to start learning again…




Name a better way to spend 213 hours. I’ll wait.bpwrapped


I’ve only been here for 8 days, so I don’t have much to show for my learning, but I thought it would hurt to join this topic with you guys!
(you’ll have to put this link in a new tab to see it. It’s kinda embarrassing)

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That will take everyone to their own recap, not yours. You’ll have to screencap to share :tada:

But never be embarrassed about where you are in your language journey. Instead look at where you are now compared to where you’ve been. You’re better than 8 days ago you🥳 we all started somewhere


Very cool, love the Bunpro teams dedication to making a great platform.

Apparently I’m a time traveler and did an extra day in the year.


Bunny ears you’re my XP rival, your progress must be the exact same as mine (Only grammar done) now just churning reviews.