四字熟語 (4-character compound words)

Some natives tell the literal in English “one stone, two birds”, heard it a couple times now, hehe

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自業自得 - You reap what you sow
一心同体 - One in body and soul
一蓮托生 - In the same boat/sharing one’s lot in life
一部始終 - The whole story
武者修行 - Journeying to gain combat skill
百戦錬磨 - veteran/battle worn
一心不乱 - Single mindedly committed
自暴自棄 - Despair/self abandonment
前途多難 - Many difficulties in store
縦横無尽 - Freely, as one pleases
才色兼備 - A woman who is both beautiful and intelligent
千載一遇 - Once in a lifetime/ once in a thousand years
相思相愛 - Mutual love
天下無敵/天下無双 - peerless/ unequaled
神出鬼没 - Like a phantom, elusive, appearing unexpectedly
切磋琢磨 - Friendly rivalry/mutual encouragement
本末転倒 - honmatutentou - Jisho.org
魑魅魍魎 - Evil spirits of mountains and rivers
前代未聞 - Unprecedented
十中八九 - 8 or 9 times out of ten/ in all likelihood.
I didn’t realise I had so many in SRS.


What a goldmine!! Are we able to amalgamate all of these into a glossary of sorts?

危機一髪 - by a hair’s breadth, in the nick of time
敬天愛人 - revere heaven, love thy neighbour. This was written by Saigo Takamori.


I don’t know if it’s possible somehow on the forum, but I think it’d be useful to have a list of ones people know, since it’s sometimes a little difficult to judge how common idioms are. As far as mine, if they’re in my srs it means I’ve seen/heard them at least twice in the wild.

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暗証番号 - personal identification number, PIN, password number
from Minna no Nihongo I :open_mouth:

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This isnt really a yojijyukugo, its a compound noun of ‘password/code’ and ‘number’. Yojijyukugo are typically idiomatic compounds.


If interested, the tag search in Jisho is #words #yoji (works for Kitsun’s dictionary too if you want to add cards).

The problem is that they are extensive, something like ~4000 supposedly…then here is a list of 5800 someone made. Likewise, which ones on this thread do we know are common vs. rare. Rather not waste time on something that a typical native could not understand. Are there any practical lists out there?


Edit: Perhaps anything with HKES may be a good place to start, since that is 4 different resources accumulated (that is if they don’t cross reference)

Edit2: Broke the character limit to post here, need to click link

Likewise, whenever I’ve looked for such resources I’ve either found nothing, or just a stupidly long list of things most natives wouldn’t understand. I quite like the idea of pooling what we all know from experience as you then know that it is at least somewhat common.


正々堂々 - Fair and square
自給自足 - Self-sufficiency
延長線上 -Extension of a straight line; (conclusion) following as an extension of (an argument)​
汚名返上 - Clear one’s name
職人気質 - Pride in one’s work
天手古舞 - Whirl of busyness
欲求不満 - Frustration

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What a great first post haha, welcome!

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難攻不落なんこうふらく - Impregnability/impregnable. Literally doesn’t fall after difficult attacks I guess :slight_smile:


難攻 means a place that’s difficult to attack into if that follows the same meaning in Chinese.

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It seems that 難攻 is not really a standalone word in Japanese though… but that is indeed the meaning of kanji.

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If interested, I added a yojijukugo deck in Kitsun.io recently. Includes Kitsun’s dictionary build, audio and native notes in select filters.



This deck contains 700+ of the most common yojijukugo words: Deck link Here

Recommended order for deck filtering:

1. 四字熟語データバンク人気四字熟語[TOP50]
-50 of the most common
-Tagged by both writing and speaking frequency ranking
2. 小学生のうちに覚えたい四字熟語の一覧表:ドリル
3. Included in HKES : 4 sources only
4. Community Recommendations

Not intended to be comprehensive list, just enough for the casual learner. There are thousands of possible words, recommend if you want an addition if common enough in Kitsun Den thread.

BTW, I went through this thread to cross checked the postings and added them in. Thx for your help! :slightly_smiling_face:

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