Am I slow?

No you are not, and don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.

Frankly, even if you finish all of the N5 content in 6 weeks, you don’t know it. You won’t be anywhere near a level where you could use and understand all of that grammar at anything close to a native pace.

Take your time. Aiming for speed is a recipe for failure when it comes to grammar.


Im very suspicious of this channel. I’ve heard people who don’t speak Japanese that can pronounce konnichiha better than this person.

Edit: it’s just flat out creepy.

Edit: had a flick through some of their videos. Wow its all very clickbaity isnt it? Reminds me a lot of that charlatan over at who advertised themselves as revolutionary when really it was anything but.


Why to assume that pronunciations is important to that person? I already shown you how my english pronunciation looks like. You can not believe me but I was top performing sales person in UK (over 1000 sales people in UK in that company) for 3 month straights before decided that I don’t want to turn myself in bigger asshole that I already am, so I went somewhere else after big fight with my boss (Me leaving cost him a lot of money so he was very emotional about it…).

Only because you find being good at pronunciation to be of value to you does not mean that what that person is saying about grammar is not useful. There is no correlation whatsoever… She does not have even one video teaching pitch accent…

Think about this way: doing sales is almost impossible to pretty much all natives of any language. I was able to do it with funny accent and lots of grammar mistake and my vocab was poor by comparison to what I can say now (and it is still poor by comparison to my Polish). Functionally I did better than natives (and I am not able to even replicate this is my native tongue…) since I did TRAIN them hot to use their language to make money. At least my checks were saying so…

I never ever cared about my English. It was just a tool forced upon me (I am pacifist so I hate that fact that there was force involved in establishing English as international language. I do what I can to not improve at it…). And I still managed to do better than I considered possible to myself even in Polish. I have no reason to assume that anybody’s problems with pronunciation are important in any meaningful way to any person if that person claim it does not. I consider it to be ad personam at very best…

There is no need to be perfect at any skill. If something is important on itself then doing is poorly is worth while.

But I understand your feelings. She does what she can to scare people away. It simply does not work on me. :hugs:

It is valentines day. I am after a few cups of wine. If I sound rude it is because I am not able to notices it and soften it down. No harm intended :hugs:

Politeness lvls in English are still mystery to me xD

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I don’t mind people having different views. It is a good thing :hugs: It that would be not a case then what is the point in talking to others?

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I dunno i guess its a gut feeling. I wouldnt take cooking lessons from someone who pronounced roux like ‘rucks’, no matter how good their roux was! Lol

The insane clickbaity titles and obsession with how amazing and original her own method is are very offputting too.

If i was taking language lessons from someone Id want to know they can actually speak the language, not seeing any evidence from her that she can actually speak japanese.


It helped me. After many failed attempts… She is not my guru. Nobody is :hugs:

Her perspective is useful and we both know and like somebody better at Japanese than us that finds her opinions useful:

@Asher will probably be pissed at me for using his authority again xD but it is good way to point out my point so… Sorry xD (please consider it as complement if that is the case… I would not point out shared believes if I would not believe your opinion is of value)

Her content is important to me. She can be serial killer as far as I know. It does not prove her wrong.

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That and she has some weird claims like Japanese doesn’t conjugate. Very dodgy if you ask me



You can treat japanese “conjugations” the same way you think about chinese. It is more useful to look at is from “analytical” point of view. At least for me:

I knew far less about Japanese back then and I still hold that opinion. It is very useful. More useful than memorisation.

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Because Japanese conjugates.


To small extent. Give me an example. I will show you it really does not. Please go for easy one: te form xD

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It does conjugate. Id change teacher if you are being told it doesnt.

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That’s why people struggle with japanese grammar. Please give me an example of dictionary form and “conjugated” form and I will show you how you can look at it as two verbs, not one. Which is easier to understand at least for me.

It is question of framework you choose to use so saying “japanese conjugates” is not false. I just find different framework more useful. Matter of opinion.

Im really not that interested in quantum style analysis of language (it is but it is not at the same time) Japanese conjuagtes, it just does.

Because Japanese grammar is very difficult.

That objective false statement. Two options:

  1. Japanese grammar is impossible if you want to master it fully even to natives poets.
  2. Japanese grammar is difficult to you in your frame of view.

It is clearly not hard to 10 years olds in Japanese in their view. So unless you are ready to say it is impossible to anybody (even best poet can’t fully imitated the style of second best) then I don’t buy this argument.

Example please.

Im not getting into another one of these hyper-hypothetical analytical arguments. Maybe you find Japanese grammar easy, lucky you.

I don’t understand why everybody want to believe japanese is so hard… It clearly is not too hard. 130 millions of people use it as first language from age of 5…

I speak about the claim that japanase HAS to be interprated as conjugated language. Please give me example.

One of us is clearly wrong. If it is me I want to know it ASAP :hugs:

Japanese starts easier and gets progressively more diffocult ane convulated the deeper you go into it. I am really not interested in proving this to you. Likewise you are free to think Japanese doesnt conjugate. I think its very ironic you are claiming japanese grammar isnt hard and at the same time you think it doesnt conjugate…

Since I like and respect you and your views I will reply to it tomorrow whatever you will say. I am at 85% of my 90iq today… :hugs:

Please take time to voice you ideas as well you find it necessery. It is 0:30 at my place already D: