Am I slow?

Maybe I need to learn more vocabulary first.


You can know all the grammar in the world, if you don’t have enough words you’ll never be able to do anything with it.

I’m a firm believer that beginners should stay away from Kanji for a good year-ish. Focus on your vocab and grammar. Once you have that you can build Kanji on top of it. Knowing 2000 kanji is useless if you cant hold a conversation with someone.

Keep at it mate, I still struggle with grammar, every JLPT i’ve sat grammar has been my weak spot. It is the least enjoyable and the most difficult part of the lanauge I’d argue, but it is essential. ファイト!


Speaking as someone with kanji as my strength, this is absolutely true.


Have you try the additional reading tab? They may help you understand the grammar more.

The thing I have found with grammar is that there are certain thing you just can’t rush it, put it in the backburner, let it sink in and eventually your brain will figure it out. If you are too stressed out about certain things, considering outright removing it from your review and adding it back after a week or so.


The method to remember grammar points is to use them while writing, reading, listening and speaking. In my (limited; I’m still a beginner) experience, Bunpro can only support you - remind you which grammar point exists, check if you still know how they work, but just going through the SRS is not enough. You have to use the grammar.

(In my case, for example, I use Bunpro together with the explanations and exercises in the Genki book series and regular conversations with a study buddy and tutors.)


Depends on your goals, I think.
Personally, I mostly wanna be able to read - that’s just more important to me than having conversations. You need kanji for reading.
(Well, words written in kanji. Knowing 2000 kanji meanings in isolation and 0 words would be a different story)
I for one am very glad I started learning kanji from the beginning :sweat_smile:


Well, you can ignore speaking if your aim is consume Japanese pop media, but as you said yourself, if you don’t have the grammar and the vocab underpinning, then the Kanji is useless. Same goes for those that want to live and function in Japanese society, you can have a top notch accent, if the grammar ain’t there, it isn’t going to work.


Not a mnemonic but something that can help: whereas some grammar points are usually or always written in kana, some can be also written in kanji whose meaning can give insight in the logic behind the grammar point. You can display the kanji by clicking on the title of the grammar point.


Learn English grammar with Asher, the kind, and just!

Today’s grammar point (As far as — is concerned)

as far as fhgti sospnm fbnfsk ias is concerned isn asd i aos msif friday

Moral of the story, it is impossible to understand grammar, unless you understand the words first. Don’t sweat it if things are hard to undesrtand at first, focus on the grammar AND the vocab.