I used to be the same way, back when I was cramming kanji and grammar faster than I should have (I was a little addicted to rushing through WaniKani). I’m making a huge assumption about your situation here, but is it possible you’re trying to go too fast? It wasn’t until I burnt out and came back again, but prioritizing understanding above speed, for BunPro to work for me. Instead of rushing through as many grammar points as possible, like I did with vocab, when I slowed down and started reading the whole Bunpro sentence (and understand it, not just be able to know the sounds without furigana) did it really start to stick.
Also, I had to take a break with learning when my life got very stressful. Even though I could have found the time to do reviews, like a sponge full of water, it was like my brain simply did not have the capacity to handle learning more information whilst I was dealing with very complex and difficult life situations. Once things slowed down again outside of my Japanese learning life and the proverbial sponge was squeezed, then I could feel my brain become receptive to learning again. Maybe you’re in a similar boat?
Or simply maybe the resources BunPro offers really just aren’t for you, and that’s okay too! I find that a multi-pronged approach is best for me, so just keep trying things and eventually you’ll find something that works for you! 頑張ってください