489,820 + 23 (reviews) + 110 (podcast) + 4 (Satori) = 489,957
489 957 + 46 (reviews: 19+19+8) + 6 (3 Haruさんの日記 entries) + 56 (shows) = 490 065
The pace is smooth and steady, at around 5 507 m/day cruise speed: bound to reach destination by the first day of March!
490 065 +100 reviews + 25book + 75 podcast= 490 265
mAaaAaAby… I may or may not add an entire novel chapter at once to reviews so I can drown in them tomorrow
490,265 + 27 (reviews) = 490,292
490,292 + 547 (reviews) = 490,839
490 839 + 115 (reviews) + 13 (video) = 490 967
490 967 + (68 + 43) reviews + 60 (3 anime ep) = 491138
491138+44+39+14+93+32+30+53+89+104+67+56 (Reviews) = 491 759
491 759 + 129 = 491 888
491 888 + 50 (reviews) = 491 938
491 938 + 10 = 491 948
491 948 + 27 = 491 975
491,975 + 194(reviews) = 492,169
492,169 + 23 (reviews) + 10 (reading) + 39 (videos) = 492,241
492241 + 227 reviews = 492468
492468 + 47 (reviews) = 492515
492515 + 6 reviews = 492521
492521 + 270 revs = 492,791
492 791 + 184 reviews + 90 (30) manga pages = 493 065
493,065 + 45 reviews = 493,110