597,677 + 533 (reviews) = 598,210
598,210 + 120 (reviews) + 4 (NHK) = 598,334
598 334 + 184 = 598 518
598 518 + 109 (reviews yesterday) + 105 (reviews) + 15 (videos) = 598 747
598,747 + 87 (reviews) = 598,834
598,834 + 64 (reviews) = 598,898
598,898 + 62 + 54 + 66 + 89 = 599,169
Reviews from 22/2 - 25/2
Reviews from this week (2/20-24)
599,169 + 50 + 214 + 214 + 177 + 126 = 599,950
Sorry everyone, I know we’re so close to the finish line, but I’m a bit sleepy
That old カメ we’re racing is still stuck in the snow around Tōhoku, right?!
So I’ll just flop down and … …
599950 + 11 reviews + 6 (articles) = 599967
Getting so close, I’m disappointed to not have flipped it to 600k!! I should have done more reviews!
599967 +101 = 600,068
(All the review I have right now RIP)
600,068 + 116 = 600,184
(is that it?)
We did it!
And now, everyone - clothes off and into the sea!
Im so proud of everyone who took part! This has been so fun to see everyone stay on top of their reviews, I only posted once in the actual topic but seeing everyone doing their bit gave me so much motivation! Can’t wait for the next virtual trip
Amazi-ing race
How sweet the sound
That saved a hutch like mine
We’re free!!!
疲れた!I’m gunna sit with the dolphin for a while. My feet are killing me.
The break seems unnecessary; who is coming back with me?
Grab a bottle of water if you need, but I am far from done.