257,709 + 79 (reviews) = 257,788
久しぶり Coming back from Christmas, finally have time to post reviews from past days:
89 + 67 + 40 + 46 + 21 + 138 + 57 + 106 = 564
257 788 + 564 = 258 352
258352 + 231(12/30 Reviews) = 258583
258 583 + 116 reviews = 258 699
258,699 + 22 reviews = 258,721
258721 + 333 reviews (17th-30th) = 259054
259054 + 90 reviews = 259144
259144 +1110 (reviews from the 18th til now, I had a vacation, took several days off from reviewing, and been generally way too busy, sorry for not itemizing the numbers, I know that I did reviews after my last addition and before the 18th, but that’s too much for me to figure out tbh). = 260,254
260 254 + 20 (reviews) = 260 274
260274 + 11 reviews = 260285
260 285+ 505 reviews+480 jpyt= 261 270
261,270 + 24 (reviews) = 261,294
261,294 + 154 (reviews) + 35 (LN) = 261,483
261,483 + 123 (reviews) = 261,606
261,606 + 152 (yesterday) + 253 (today) = 262,011
Two more makes 262013
262 013 + 98 (reviews) + 20 (videos) + 84 (manga chapter) = 262 215
262 215 + 10 (reviews) = 262 225
Looking forward to the New Year speed boost 良いお年を!
262 225 + 200 (reviews) = 262 425
262 425 + 166 (Reviews) = 262 591