Any premade structured self study curriculum?

It looks like you’ve gotten some really good answers! I also wanted to add (I haven’t read fully through each response since I initially posted, so I apologize if someone already recommended this!), as someone who has trouble starting maintenance of a routine, one thing that helped me was using the app shirabe jisho, creating personalized decks through the app, and then either setting an alarm to study just for like 5 minutes at a specific time each day, or doing it whenever I could/remembered throughout the day, and then sloooowly but surely adding more time to that. It has a lot of vocabulary, lists of most common vocab, lists by JLPT, lists by category, and a good amount of grammar as well. I found it way more manageable than a full online program or anything since it was so simple and I could literally just do it on my break at work or if I was getting driven somewhere or something since it was literally at my fingertips. The second I remembered it during the day, I could start working on it. It has an SRS system you can use as well! Super handy. Again, hope this wasn’t redundant, and I’m glad you’re getting some good recommendations!

I think I’ve seen that method of dividing the sentence before, but it isn’t really something that is common to see. Kind of like romaji once you get above self-introductions.
That’s my impression at least.

I have actually also picked up on it passively already by noticing that those divisions line up with where Japanese speakers put any pauses they might add in a sentence and adding a pause in other places sounds off/weird.

When you say “N-level “grammar points” beyond the basics” what do you mean?
Is it spread over N5-N1 or is it just the lower N-levels?

Yeah I had it back when I used iPhone, but I switched to android as it allows me to block facebook, reddit, and mindless scrolling apps like that.
It isn’t on android sadly.
I use the web version dictionary though!

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It is not common about learners cause they are not usually not taught this. If you mean natives, then you probably won’t see adults do this but children up to middle school would be tested on their ability to parse a sentence into 文節.

Like you have noticed, it is present in natural speech and not adhering to it when pausing will sound weird. In a way we could say that it is one thing that makes natural Japanese sound natural.

N2 and N1 are basically all, if not all, common patterns or vocabulary. They are useful of course but they are not grammar in terms of understanding systematic rules or characteristics of the language.

N5-N4 is technically where you are suppose to learn the basics but it depends on your resource. Bunpro teaches a lot more grammar than Genki, which is why some learners notice things “clicking more” after reading the explanations on Bunpro. But, Bunpro also has to cater to the seemingly majority of learners who prefer memorization over understanding.

edit for clarity: By basics I mean things like case-marking particles, other particles, how to change a verb to past tense, etc. This is usually all covered in N5, N4, and a bit of N3.


I see. This is all great information, it really helps with getting an overview.

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