Here’s my progress after ONE MONTH of getting back into studying Japanese and Three Weeks of steadily using BunPro after its reset!
The plan was:
and that is exactly what I did.
When it comes to what I’ve said last week:
I haven’t really gone through much of the Genki II deck, since during the weekend I got carried away and mostly forgot about studying (I almost missed my reviews entirely on Saturday), but I did finish off the N5 Vocab deck, which was more important.
Here’s the activity graph where for the Saturday to Friday period I averaged 284 reviews per day with a minimum of 19 (Saturday) and maximum of 514 (Monday).
I’ve decided to start going through Tae Kim’s Guide to Japanese Grammar and A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar again that I’ve had just chilling at home, and cross reference with the entries in BunPro and Imabi to see if I can’t figure out a way to intuitively wrap up a starting foundation for myself in forms of notes that I may or may not publish when I’m done with them.
I also increased the amount of comprehensible input I listen to per day to around an hour and got back into writing as I find it helps me remember things easier.
Here’s the current state of my decks:
This week I’m going to start seeing a tutor for conversing in Japanese and will also start going through An Integrated Approach to Intermediary Japanese at a pace of a chapter a week. The plan for March is still to go through 28 vocabulary and 4 grammar entries of JLPT N4 content per day but my initial plan was:
so if it ends up feeling like too much studying for me I might take it easy and go with this goal instead of end of March, which will let me halve the new entries to 14 vocab and 2 grammar per day.
I still feel hopeful that I can keep this pace up and so far my enthusiasm hasn’t diminished, so hopefully this month alone would be enough, and worst case scenario I’ll take all of April to recover and fully consolidate JLPT N5 + N4 and focus on listening and speaking primarily.