Breaking down large sentences

Recently in immersion, I have noticed that I either completely 100% understand a sentence or I cannot understand the sentence at all. Most of this is due to long sentences that have unclear ends or many of the same particles. Are there any tips to break down these sentences to understand them better?


Try learning about progressive simplification! It has helped me a lot. I got more into detail about it over at this post. ということ - Grammar Discussion - #17 by Daru Happy studying!


Japanese can be very abstract and nuance based but the approach you recommended is an ingenious way that I never considered, thank you!

I have the same problem :sweat_smile:

in N3 I see many sentences with A talking to B and are quite long sentences and already I lose focus when about to finishing reading a sentence.

At least watching anime this is not a problem so far because dialogues there are always short and I can get the general idea what they are talking about and seeing the action (ousama ranking currently).