Bunpro Book club (Advanced)

BTW, if most of you are interested in the linguistics topic then please go ahead. I can read Star Wars on my own, so it’s not a problem. That way you don’t have to create yet another book club thread. Then again, I’m only speaking about myself, and not others who might be interested in this book club level.


Was just a joke :sweat_smile:. I am equally up for any genre and I would say that more often than not, novels will be chosen.

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Either way haha, I’m down for whatever. Starwars works for me.


You guys, I’m being serious though. I honestly don’t mind at all, lol.

In any case, the votes will decide :+1:.


If I’m interested in what’s chosen I’m in.


Poll is now available at the top of the post! Please vote for the title that you are interested in reading by the end of day, Sunday, 24th of March. I will allow for all timezones to pass through Sunday before locking in the winner :blush:.

Detailed rules etc for the book club will be announced once the book has been decided.

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Voting over! Winner - エピーソード4 新たな希望
More details to follow soon.



I’m gonna go ahead and purchase this, as well as the other books voted for the other levels. Thanks for setting this up!!


Official book club rules available for viewing here. Keep in mind that these are rules that have been created based on our best estimate of how book clubs will proceed. Things may change in the future.

I will also be editing the original content of this post to better reflect a long term starting point and guide for users that join this level.


@Asher, I don’t suppose you could post a link to the exact edition of the book? I am pretty sure there is only one version fitting the title in the poll but it’d be nice to have a link just to check everyone is on the same page, literally.


Sorry my bad for not getting this one done sooner! Will organize the whole advanced group post a bit later today, but here’s the winner for now.

スター・ウォーズ エピソード4:新たなる希望


I should’ve posted a link for this, especially given I was the one who suggested it based on one of Asher’s previous threads, so that’s my bad too. Anyway, this series of books can also be found on both Book Walker and Book Live (in case anyone prefers them):

I went with Book Live only because the text looks much sharper when zooming in, than the Book Walker web version. I think they use vector files to accomplish this (or at least that’s what it looks like to me).

Anyway, just wanted to offer those two options.


Didn’t even notice this when you had just posted it. I actually have the Japanese audio book for this! It was really good. Haven’t read it though, just listened.


I hunted the book stores in my local area but couldn’t find a physical copy, digital it is!


I just noticed, when looking at your screenshot of the book, that the “A New Hope” part 「新たなる希望」is using the old form of Na-Adjectives. I was subconsciously reading it as 「新たな希望」until now, lol.

I learned about this old form a couple of months ago, as I stumbled upon an online writing that explained the origins of する verbs, ずる and じる, which stem from an even older Japanese verb form (which I can’t recall right now).

Interesting that they decided to use it for the subtitle of this book. I’d expected it on older books, or books that are about old times, but not one about the far future.


You’re not the only person. I actually thought that was the name of the book my entire first read through of it! Probably similar to English where you just see a few letters of a word and let your brain fill in what you think it is going to be as you glaze over to the next word. :rofl:


Yeap, that’s exactly what happened. Not that my Japanese is anywhere close to my fluency in English, but it was still interesting. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

BTW, and please don’t feel pressured or anything, but just wondering more or less when can we expect to start the book clubs?


The main body of this post has been redone at the top with that info (Monday 1st of April), plus general info on Advanced going forward.

I am in the process of creating an individual thread for each book atm which will be available within the next 20/30 mins :blush:.


Oh, my bad. I completely missed that. Sounds good :+1:.


Star Wars discussion thread now up. From now, please move all Star Wars related chat over here -

スター・ウォーズ discussion (Advanced) April 2024