4,161 + 41 reviews + 8 from NHK = 4,210
Plus 100 that Boogaan missed is 4,310
4,161 + 41 reviews + 8 from NHK = 4,210
Plus 100 that Boogaan missed is 4,310
4 310 + 184 reviews = 4 494
The real downside is that sometimes the Moon is in the exact opposite direction
The moon is pretty big around, and only takes one month to go around the Earth.
It might just catch us as we’re going up, even if we miss at first.
I see what you did there bunny-san
4 494 + 1 100 (220 LN pages) = 5 594
Finished 悪役令嬢レベル99 1 yesterday. Not a bad LN, and slightly different from anime
Late to the party, but I’m at 3,571 from reviews (not including today). I’ve been doing some solid time with a textbook but I didn’t think to keep track of my time spent there 🥲
5 594 + 53 + 61 (Reviews) = 5708
Not sure if @Alerean is adding 3,571 or something so i’m just adding my reviews to the previous number
5 708 + 150 (Reviews) = 5858
5,858 + 169 (reviews) + 18 (reading) + 41 (videos) = 6,086
6,086 + 8 (reviews) = 6,094
6 094 + 37 (Reviews from yesterday) = 6 101
6101 + 13 (Bunpro reviews from yesterday) = 6114
I’ll be back later!
Plus 30 missing reviews, we get 6144.
3,571 + 1193 (reviews) + 270 (textbook studying) = 5034
5 034 + 164 reviews + 10 (2 novel pages) = 5 208
6,144 + 5,208 (Alerean and chicharron) = 11,352
11,352 + 196 (reviews) = 11,548
11,548 + 261(Bunpro) + 129(Anki Reviews) + 40(2 Mob Psycho Episodes) + 327 (Wanikani) = 12,305
We are already 0.003201092611862643% of the way to the moon, which means we only have 384,387,695 meters left to go!
I’m back!
12305 + 32 (Bunpro reviews) + 70 (Wanikani reviews) + 200 (Renshuu reviews) + 12 (NHK Easy articles) = 12619
If everyone is going to count reviews from other places, then so will I! Got to make it to the moon somehow.
I’ve been sick for the past few days and noticed that I’m suddenly not remembering very much of my grammar and vocab today. It’s perfectly logical why it’s happening, but it does make me curious if any of you have had a similar experience
Also, 12619 + 309 (Tue) + 195 (Wed) + 330 (Thu) = 13,453