43,667 + 34 Bunpro + 115 WaniKani + 8 from NHK + 8 from books = 43,832
Trying to fit a bit more Natively into my life.
43,667 + 34 Bunpro + 115 WaniKani + 8 from NHK + 8 from books = 43,832
Trying to fit a bit more Natively into my life.
43,832 + 552 = 44,384
44,384 + 67 (reviews) = 44,451
44,566 + 334 (reviews) + 10 (reading) + 36 (videos) = 44,946
I decided today to reset my bunpro and start from zero. So this is just perfect
44,946 + 5 (review) + 20 (1x anime episode, 1min = 1 point correct?) = 44,971
Why did you reset your progress?
44,971 + 68 = 45,039
45,039 + 387(Wanikani) + 220(Bunpro) + 20(Episode of Frieren for Mining) + 127(Anki) = 45,793
3.6 → 205 (Bunpro)
3.7 → 65 (BP)
3.8 → 20 (BP)
3.9 → 35 (BP)
3.10 → 213 (BP)
3.11 → 14 (BP)
2.12 → 108 (BP) + 20 (WK , I don’t count these much and they’re harder to track but lets see)
45,793 + 680 =46,473
46 473 + 208 reviews + 20 (4 novel pages) = 46 701
46,701 + 31 Bunpro + 167 WaniKani + 8 from NHK = 46,907
46,907 + 718 = 47,625
47,625 + 10 (reviews) = 47,635
I took a pretty long break from grammar (not japanese in general). So I decided that this is my best option. Easy grammar points that still stick will be quickly “old” again and I can find the grammar points that didn’t stick easily and work on them. Probably better for my algorithm too.
47,635 + 10 (reviews) + 94 (47 Pages of Manga) = 47,739
47,739 + 100 (reviews) = 47,839
47,839 + 27 = 47,866
47,866 + 468 = 48,334
48,334 + 374(Wanikani) + 20(Frieren) + 118(Anki) + 216(Bunpro) = 49,062
49,062 + 387 (reviews) + 10 (reading) +77 (videos) = 49,536
49,536 + 10 (reviews) = 49,546