Completely cryptic reviews data

For lack of anything better to call it, what is this trying to tell me?


I’ve watched my reviews for the last few days and I can’t make heads or tails of that. Wanikani has a pretty easily understood progress bar when doing reviews, but I can’t figure out for the life of me how far I have left to go, or how long the rest of my review session will last.

And I looked through the help and the FAQ and I can’t find anything that explains those cryptic numbers and symbols.


Hi and welcome!

Starting from the left:
The review you’re currently doing is a ghost.
You have 12 reviews left.
You are on SRS level 1 (This is 1-12 on regular reviews and 1-4 on ghosts).
I’ve never thought about what the tick means, sorry. :joy:
You have got 67% of your reviews correct during your current session.
You have got 2 out of 3 of your reviews correct during your current session.


Thank you Matt.


The tick is to show those are the correct answers, you have to see it as a block.


It’s a bit too separated and not clear, maybe @Daru or somebody on the team can make a tweak to make it clearer


Welcome to Bunpro, @skatefriday!

I can see @matt_in_mito and @Megumin already went ahead and explained it to you.
We’re constantly improving Bunpro, and feedback like this helps us greatly to do so.

If you don’t mind, could you provide a bit more detail as to why it feels so cryptic to you?


I do think the checkmark is too separated from the correct stats and it’s not obvious.

I had to cheat by looking at the HTML sourcecode to guess what it was for.


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It needs hover-over explanations for each item. There’s also, just, in general too much information. I mostly care about how long a review will session will last. To that end, the only thing that matters to me is how many reviews are left. I think the ghost icon, when explained is a nice touch. But I don’t care at all about which SRS level an item is currently sitting on, I do somewhat care what SRS level an item moves to after an answer has been submitted, but that’s not reflected here, or anywhere, and the percentage along with the x out of y is just redundant.

FWIW, one of the first things I did on WaniKani was turn off the percent correct display as I just found it distracting.


You might want to enable Focus Mode / hide SRS level in settings then:

That makes it look like this:


We’ll look into that. Currently, doing something like what @Megumin shows would probably be the best workaround we can offer right now.

I’ll talk to the team about implementing more precise control for the review process. Thank you so much for your feedback!


This isn’t an option because it hides the one thing I really, really care about and that’s how many reviews I have left. That information helps me to manage my time by letting me know if I want to finish up because there are only 5 left, or break because there’s 30 left.


The only thing I can advice then (until this option is potentially added) is you can always use an extension to block certain elements. I activated Ublock Origin on bunpro for a bit and blocked some elements to show a potential result :

It isn’t hard to figure out, but if you want to do this and need some instructions I can always write some up :wink: (Edit : depending on browser, I remembered not everyone in the world uses firefox only after writing this post :sweat_smile: ) You can remove as much / as little as you want without interfering with the functionality.


This should work if I haven’t made any mistake and you have TamperMonkey or anything similar in your browser until @Daru and team figure something out.

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If it’s a counter, why did it just go negative?

Known bug when iirc new reviews are added while you’re in the middle of a current review session.

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