[COMPLETED] Back to Basics: A 100 Day Study Log

NOTE: The conclusion post of this project is here.


TLDR: I will revise the basics and focus on easy input (多読など). I will write about it in this thread for accountability. Perhaps I will get bored and quit. Hopefully not.

Detailed Context: Due to my job and life circumstances I probably have a foreseeable 1.5-2.5 years where I can dedicate a reasonable amount of time to getting good at Japanese, after which I am planning on getting much busier with work so Japanese will be put on the backburner although still be a major part of my life. I live in Japan and don’t plan on leaving so getting good at Japanese is important for my work and life (and also I just like studying it). I have been studying Japanese for a couple of years and change now and have been in Japan a year and a half and would say my ability is around a weak N1 (meaningless self-assessed level - from what I have seen some N1 stuff is pretty easy and some of it I have no clue on so…). I actually don’t have a large amount of interest in the JLPT itself as a test but I am going to take the N1 in December this year and plan on doing it without studying specifically for the test. To that end, I will also be taking the N2 in the summer just to see what the test is like and how the test day itself works. Naturally I do not plan on studying explicitly for the N2 either.

Larger Goals: Long term, I would like to get very very good at Japanese. Having a large active vocabulary and a wide, creative and natural range of expression is important to me. I also like reading and would like to be able to read anything I want without a dictionary and with very very very few unfamiliar words, the same as English. In the medium term, this year my focus is on moving from feeling like a learner of the language to someone who simply uses the language.

This Study Log: My Japanese ability has been improving nicely this year and everything is going well but, as is common at the intermediate level, I feel a bit adrift despite all that. I flirted with the idea of various challenges to sharpen my focus and give myself a sense of direction (reading, kanji writing, listening, JLPT study, speaking, etc). Ultimately I decided I would like to do a last pass at the basics before moving on to focusing on advanced domains and topics. As such, this log will be somewhere I can track and keep accountable for a sort of “back to basics” study challenge.

I will be focusing on improving my understanding and intuition of the most common parts of the language. By my definition (which is based on my experience and not meant to be universal, please don’t read too much into it) basic Japanese is roughly N5-N2 in terms of grammar, top 10k in terms of vocab, about 1k “deep” kanji knowledge, and about 1.5-2k “shallow” kanji knowledge. So in terms of explicit study and SRS I will be trying to do the following:

  • Only mining words in the top 10k of my frequency lists (this will probably reduce my new vocab load by quite a lot as I already know most of those words, I would think)
  • Add 1000ish kanji production cards (example word(s) on the front with a cloze style blank space; no keywords or English)
  • Skim through Bunpro N5-N2 and mine any grammar point which I feel I need to revisit (currently I do no Bunpro or grammar study) then read through “A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar” beginner and intermediate editions and mine for any nuances I wasn’t aware of or am weak on (e.g., have a card testing the difference between 間 and 間に (although not this as clearly I already know it))

In terms of input, I will try and shift to extensively reading as many easy books as possible and listening to as much easy content as possible. I like hard stuff so probably won’t give up harder stuff completely but I will try and reduce the amount. Here “easy” books mean 95% comprehension (with no dictionary) minimum and ideally around 98% (still with no dictionary), so children’s books and LNs aimed at a younger audience will probably be the majority of my reading for the time being. For listening the target percentages will be similar - luckily lots of regular TV and youtube videos are around that level so no torturing myself with stuff made for learners. I will use a dictionary when reading but probably will not do lookups often when listening. That is just how I have always done things.

The goal here is to really make sure I am picking up on the nuances of the basics and to inundate myself with common patterns and vocabulary. When tackling harder content naturally I improve at the basics but I would like to set aside some time to kind of really mentally focus on filling the cracks and getting that stuff down so I can better focus on more difficult things, like a musician doing scales or playing standards and thinking carefully about technique. Hopefully my reading speed will also increase. Basically everything will be revision or a form of revision except for the kanji writing as kanji writing is something I have only done intermittently.

Anyway, today is day 0 or -1 or something as I won’t properly start on this until tomorrow or the day after. I will try update at least weekly and hopefully daily. I have always been prone to quit these kind of tracked challenges or whatever but I am hoping that by talking about it “publicly” it will stay on my mind and I will stick with it. The main thing I am likely to go back on is the kanji writing, honestly, as the rewards are seriously delayed for that one. This challenge is time limited (100 days, as the title says) and if by some miracle it goes well then I may repeat the same format with a specific advanced domain.

Thanks for reading - feel free to scold me if I slip.


NOTE: As of day 23 the goals for this challenged were changed to those listed below.

As such, my goals for this challenge going forward are:

  • 500 kanji production cards
  • N2 vocab deck (1659 cards total)
  • Check Bunpro N5-N2 for weak grammar points
  • Read through the basic and intermediate editions of the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar and mine for detailed nuances that I am not firm on (
  • Read 15 books
  • Maintain my mined vocab deck

Making yourself publicly accountable for a result is a great way to improve. Works really well for me too! It’s declaring the result you want to reach to a group that doesn’t have the inner voice of ‘meh it’s okay to skip today’, so will give you a mental push when you aren’t making strides :sweat_smile:.

One small thing I liked to do and still do sometimes is scan through the JLPT level grammar, write down a simple list of the ones that I don’t have full command of in conversation, and then just look at that sheet once or twice a day and make up and speak a few sentences out loud until it feels natural.

Part of the reason I do this is because it makes verbally producing all manner of grammar second nature, which means that when you’re speaking, you’re not thinking about grammar at all, and can use that extra mental time to search for the exact vocabulary you want to use. Imo this really helps me use more obscure/descriptive vocab when I speak because I have just a little more time to think about the nuance I am aiming for.

Hoping you reach the level you’re aiming for!


This kind of thing is exactly one of the reasons I want to go back and just double-check everything as I have a habit of using pet phrases or patterns in conversation and, equally, in some contexts I will avoid a perhaps more natural construction as I know I will have to pause a second to correctly form it (or I do use the more natural construction and then break the flow of speech slightly). By just double-checking everything I can hopefully start to expand my range of expression a bit more or at least try out some phrases I may normally avoid.

Anyway, thanks for the tip - I’ll try it out


This is something I had planned to do once I’m done with the N1 grammar, which I only have about 10 to go. Once that’s done, I’ll cram all grammar points one JLPT level at a time (or maybe I’ll do one lesson at a time. I’m still debating how to go about this), then isolate and focus on the weaker ones until they become second nature.

Anyway, this is a great motivator, so I’m hoping that you keep at it :+1:.



Day 1/100

Want to do:

  • [DONE] Check all Bunpro N5 and N4 grammar points
  • [DONE] Clear Anki vocab queue
  • [DONE] Add 30 kanji production cards
  • [15k] Read 30kish characters of something easy
  • [20 minutes] 1 hour easy listening
  • [DONE] Sign up for the N2
  • [DONE] Take an N2 mock paper to see what it’s like

I signed up for the N2 and was very tempted to go for N1 instead but it would be counter to this “back to basics” challenge. I immediately began to wonder how hard the N2 actually is so I did a mock test (about half the length of the real test). I scored around 95% overall, dropping marks only on the vocab/grammar section. Assuming I’ve understood the format correctly I managed to finish in about half the allotted time. I’d heard that the reading takes lots of time so I even tried to read a bit quickly and probably would’ve read slower had I known how much leeway I had. I didn’t re-read anything really and found probably half the questions pretty easy. However, despite all that, I still didn’t find it comfortable overall and had to think about some answers a bit. I also didn’t love the listening section as despite not really being that challenging sometimes I’d miss a word and then think about it which meant my actual listening lagged behind the recording. Luckily I pulled myself back to the present both times that happened but that’s definitely a case of test strategy vs real life as in real life I’d just ask the person to repeat themselves or deal with the ambiguity but in a test setting I know I have to answer a question. I also still feel like I’d do much worse on the actual test although not sure why. Anyway, I think I can get away without doing any further specific JLPT preparation and I don’t really want to psych myself out by doing another mock test.

Adding the kanji was very easy as they were all ones I can already write without bother. Going through the N5 and N4 grammar was also, as expected, no bother. The goal there is just to pick up on anything I feel like I can’t understand in a sentence so I’m hoping I’ll get through the whole of N3 and N2 without finding anything I can’t understand as well although I will go a bit slower through those. Note that going through Bunpro is just for checking basic understanding and I’ll focus on nuance when I go through the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar.

I can hopefully steal an hour to read and do some anki at work this afternoon and then plan on reading and listening all evening, although we’ll see what happens.

Probably won’t update this again today but I cleared my anki but did not new. I have about 250 mined cards in my new queue which are outside of my 10k frequency mining limit and I considered deleting them but I am barely able to find new cards currently so I’ll leave them in the queue just to give myself a buffer of a few days/a week/however long it takes me to clear the queue. I will be a bit busy with the kanji writing soon but I’m already concerned about doing such a small amount of new vocab so I may change the limit to top 15k a little further into the challenge. First we’ll see how the review load for kanji writing is in a few weeks time…

Read about 15k characters from a children’s book and watched about 20 minutes of youtube. I’m not sure if in future posts I’ll record input targets or tracking as I actually quite dislike doing both of those things. I think tracking SRS and generally talking about how input is going is enough for the purposes of this log.

I’ll keep reading and will try and do some more listening but I won’t update this log again today. Day one has been alright. Tomorrow is the weekend and besides a few chores I am mostly free (by design) so I’m hoping to really push for a good start for this challenge and carry some momentum going into next week.

Thanks for reading.


I like the idea of making sure the foundations are really solid. It sounds like the mock test well and you can focus on your other goals. I like reading study logs, I always find them motivating and you’ve inspired me to study today


Glad to know someone else is getting something out of this. I’ll try keep showing up!


Day 2/100

  • Went through Bunpro N3 lesson 1
  • Added 13 new kanji cards (no reviews yet…)
  • 10 new vocab cards, 180something reviews

I have been dipping in and out of various bits of listening and reading all day and I didn’t sleep that well, for no particular reason, so I haven’t been able to settle into one thing for longer than 30 minutes at a time. Today and yesterday I could only find like one or two words I wanted to mine (none of which are new to me but they have readings I am bad with or they just struck me as something I wanted a flashcard for). The writing workload will certainly increase in a few weeks time but that level of vocab mining is just not enough. I will probably raise my frequency cap to 15k for the rest of today and tomorrow and see how it goes and then if it is still not enough then up to 20k. For reference before my cap was top 30k (both Netflix frequency and balanced corpus of written Japanese) and most the words I would mine would be in the 15-30k bracket (and there were plenty of them) with the occasional top 10k word which I am weak on by chance.

Bunpro N3 lesson 1 was no bother. I will probably try and do a lesson a day until I finish N2 although I am likely to skip some days on that as it isn’t urgent and I should comfortably finish before the end of the 100 days regardless.

Focusing on easier immersion has been alright and made me feel a little more confident about my Japanese level as I am not constantly barraging myself with difficult things however I have found it hard to not stray into more difficult territory as more difficult content generally tends to be more interesting (for me). I’ve also had to really think to myself whether something is easy or not. For example, in terms of listening something like this video is really quite easy and I feel like it is comfortably in my target 95-98% range but I can only watch one video like that before getting bored. Whereas something like this video is on the hard side of easy. I can understand 95-98% but since he speaks quickly, there are no hard subs, you need cultural knowledge, etc I have to pay more attention despite the comprehension feeling kinda similar overall. The first video feels kind of mindless to watch but the second one feels like I am “learning” more just because I am forced to pay attention (also it is funny). However the point of this study log is for me to focus on easier things so I can improve my intuition. I am not sure what is best to do here but likely I will end up just having a mix of effort around my target comprehension percentage for the sake of variety. Based on experience I would guess some days I will want to concetrate hard all day and some days I will want to turn my brain off completely. Today is more the latter.

I will try and post more comparisons, including of written material, in the future as well so there is some record of what my feelings in regards to a range of material are like and if my ability noticably progresses through this little challenge.

One of the things I am currently reading, this children’s book, is probably too easy and actually around 98-99% comprehension (with no dictionary). I will finish it pretty quickly as I think I am already about 75% of the way through but going forward I will try to avoid things that are too easy as well. Also, it is fine for a children’s book but it is kind of dull to read, as you’d expect.

I will maybe update again later this evening if anything of note occurs to me (it is only 17:30ish now) but otherwise that’s it for today’s post! Not so interesting and I am finding my feet a little bit still with what I am actually doing and trying to get out of this but so far so good. I suspect the day 100 post will have the actual gold in and every other day will be much like this (“err, yeah kinda watched youtube and some of it was harder than other bits…”).

Thanks for reading.


The woman in the first video is cute, but I agree with you that those types of videos are boring. Unfortunately the topics I like (Astrophysics, Cosmology, Quantum Mechanics, etc) are way too hard for me at this point, so instead I end up watching grammar videos and playing video games in Japanese. The grammar videos are easy to listen to, but at least I’m learning something.

As for reading, I’m really looking forward to the Book Club reading. That’s going to be motivational, I think. Anyway, keep up the good work!



  • Went through Bunpro N3 lesson 2, nothing of note happened
  • Added 13 new kanji, still no reviews so…
  • Added 18 new words, did 170ish reviews

I slept quite well and it made a world of difference. Sleep is probably the largest single influence on my comprehension level and motivation. Did a lot of listening so far today (it is about 17:30 now). Not sure how much exactly but probably around 5 or 6 hours so far, almost all youtube with about 30 minutes of a podcast whilst I cooked and went to the shop and 20 minutes of ちびまる子ちゃん when I was having my morning coffee. Nothing today was wildly harder than anything else, likely due to the fact I am well rested, and everything was firmly in my target 95-98% comprehension range (except ちびまる子ちゃん which was probably over the 98% realistically).

I found this video about the gap between how this woman imagined Paris and her actual experience quite interesting, especially as she echoes a very commonly held view in Europe that French people can speak English but will refuse to and be rude about it. I found it especially interesting as when I (an Englishman) have been in France I partly accepted any rudeness about my inability to speak French as fair enough. English is my native language so it can feel embarassing to have to impose on other people and make them use it. However in her case English is her second language (and I suspect she isn’t fluent in it as it is) so it is a common tool by which to communicate, as it is for many people, so I feel like people being rude to her is a bit much as it is the best way for her to communicate. Having said that, she was using English to try and speak to French customers in France. I am not sure how she got her job but it makes sense you’d expect the person in the shop to speak the language of where you are, at least enough to serve the customer. Regardless, no excuse for being an arsehole about it. It made me reflect on how generally polite people in Japan are even if you don’t speak Japanese (although actually there is some rudeness from some people but I think your average tourist is so jetlagged and unaware that they don’t realise that an interaction was actually cold/rude as for them it was just some blur of sounds and “Japanese manners”). It is really a difficult question though of what is rude and what is polite in these situations.

A great tangential example is if I see a white person looking lost in the centre of the city I will assume they are a tourist and sometimes will ask them if they need help but…what language should I use? It is Japan and they may well be Japanese or speak Japanese and not English so Japanese would be polite but 99.99% of lost looking white people in the centre of the city are tourists who cannot speak Japanese but probably can understand at least some English. These days I will normally say the same thing in Japanese and then English so they can respond however they want. So far no one has ever responded in Japanese though…

Anyway, as for studying: I will try and do some reading this evening but I am so into my listening today I may just continue with that. If I do read I guess I’ll finish that children’s book I mentioned yesterday.

I am also looking forward to the book club! I am trying to clear my half-read things before it starts but that is like 3-5 books so I doubt I will manage lol

That’s probably it for today unless something happens later. Thanks for reading.


I can agree on sleep being the most important for learning definitely!
Some times I’m reading late at night and I literally cannot get the meaning of sentences and remember word in my head. But then I wake up the next day feeling refreshed and understand everything I didn’t before!


Congrats on the progress. Sleep is really overlooked.
Something else that may help is walking. Running is great too. Just 30 / 40 minutes walk outside eg in the park or towards work…
At least for me, the days that I walk in the morning (eg halfway to work) are somehow more productive.


I kinda like those slow travel and vidoes, but that’s just me. I can see why they would be boring for a lot of people. I have been watching a lot of Bappa Shota though. A lot of travel with a lot of educational content. Lots of weird, dangerous places he visits too, pretty cheeky guy. He might be more up your alley.


Glad to hear you’re taking the next step to get better. Considering the comments and advice you’ve made on my posts, you seem like a pretty knowledgeable person. I’ll probably be checking in on your progress and links you post as I’m always looking for new and engaging content as well. I’m curious to know how much content you listen to a day seeing that I have not been as good about that recently.


Yeah, I just can’t get into these types of videos, it doesn’t matter the language. Like I mentioned before, the videos I typically watch are of scientific nature (i.e. PBS Space Time, Star Talk, Veritasium, Sabine Hossenfelder, FloatHeadPhysics, Forrest Valkai, etc.). I also like watching scientific and philosophical debates by people like Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins, Richard Carrier, Sam Harris, and others. Unfortunately these topics are out of my league in Japanese.

For now I mostly watch grammar videos, anime and play video games in Japanese. I don’t do it enough though, which is something I need to work on, but that’s another story.

Anyway, I still appreciate the suggestion. I don’t want to derail this thread though.



  • 13 new kanji, no reviews
  • 54 new vocab, 160ish reviews
  • Bunpro N3 lesson 3 checked, no issues

It’s currently 春休み here in Japan, for those who don’t know, and classes will start again in a couple of weeks so I’ll get a lot busier. You can expect my immersion time to drop soon. This afternoon I’m busy with work but this morning I had basically clear so did my SRS and managed to read about 15k characters. I also woke up early so got about 40 minutes of listening in before work. I’ll likely update this evening with whatever immersion I do then.

Definitely. I cycle to work and I try to take a walk on the weekends if I have no plans. I used to go to the gym and swim daily when I was a student but alas that was some years ago now. I am planning on getting back into lifting though and have a gym membership that begins next month.

Probably less than you’d imagine although whilst doing this challenge I’m going to try my best to get a lot in, although still a sane amount. No forcing myself.

Anyway, time for ramen.

Got distracted talking to a friend but I have just been reading this evening, no listening. Actually I was reading stuff that was outside my target comprehension range (i.e., it is “too hard”) but I was kinda sucked in so… No idea how much I have read today so far, maybe 30k characters or something. Probably will go past 40k before I go sleep.

Also, a note on the actual study plans. I have decided to keep mining any words in the top 30k that I want as there just isn’t a good reason not to. The input is the important part, not the mining. Also, I think I am likely going to frontload the new kanji and stop adding new vocab (although I will keep mining) until I have added all 1k kanji. I don’t like doing too much SRS a day and I would rather not split my time too much and just focus on one thing at a time. Of course I will still review my old vocab. Another note. You may have noticed my Bunpro level going up. I am marking everything I go through as mastered, assuming I don’t want to have it ever come up in reviews again. I stopped using Bunpro but if I do ever come back to it I don’t really want to have to review a bunch of stuff that I already know well or don’t want to be reviewing.

No major interesting cultural notes or anything today - keen to get back to reading so will save anything interesting that has crossed my mind for tomorrow, if I remember anything. Thanks for reading.



  • 160ish vocab reviews
  • 30(?) new kanji, something like that, and 18 reviews

No comment on SRS, just vanilla stuff.

Today no listening really but I am trying to read this book in one day (today). I am at just under 50k characters out of 60k total. It is about 21:40 as I type this so it is doable and I will try but I may fall asleep. It’d be my first time reading a book in one day (in Japanese) but I think technically I have read more characters in one day, just once, but I was rushing when I did that and my comprehension dropped quite a lot whereas I am actually reading properly and as slowly as needed today. I will say that if I did this on a totally empty day and with planning then I think it would have been done with a few hours ago. I am normally very self-critical about my Japanese and studying but gonna allow myself to call this a win and something that I think would have seemed mad to me even a year ago. Comprehension is pretty strong with some sections being harder than others but nothing actually difficult. Probably in my target range. I am so bad at estimating this kind of stuff so who knows - feels right anyway.

Anyway, I want to get back to the book. I’ll give a little review tomorrow and also of that children’s book which I finished yesterday(?). Looking forward to the book clubs starting! Thanks for reading.


Reading a book in one day is impressive. Are you creating new cards and looking things up as you read, or are you reading just for input and comprehension? I read daily, but look up so many things while doing so that it slows me down so much. I’m wondering if it’s not better to just take a break and read for enjoyment, accepting that I won’t know some words.


I read ebooks and have an android ereader setup with yomitan and ankiconnect so I can easily lookup and make new cards with one touch. I also look up absolutely everything I don’t know or am not sure on. I check yomikata as well if I’m not sure. The important part is to always try and actually work out what the word or sentence is saying first and then check after you’ve thought about it. For grammar, lots of grammar is covered by grammar dictionaries I have but for stuff that isn’t I’ll think about it myself and then Google it. Normally my grammar questions are more to do with nuance these days (why say x and not y?) so I’ll Google in Japanese and try and read a native discussion of it if such a discussion exists. I’ll also sometimes ask my colleague who sits next to me or text a friend of mine who is a kokugo teacher if I want a more personal opinion. This is especially useful for working out the tone of some phrase and for pronunciation/pitch accent questions.

I’ve basically always done things that way since I first started reading. The first 18 months I can’t say I was enjoying the books themselves that much as they’d take ages to finish and I was mostly inside a dictionary. At some point something clicked and now assuming the book is easy enough (95% or more known words) I can actually enjoy it. I can even enjoy harder things if I’m interested in what the book has to say. My reading speed varies massively from probably about 4k an hour (for very hard material that I’m reading deeply and normally give up on) up to I think around 14k an hour (that’s for super easy material that isn’t being deeply read). Normally it coasts around 7-12k an hour, I think. I don’t measure it much. I also read slowly in English but I like reading deeply and pausing to think. I studied philosophy at university and have read a fair amount of books in general so I also have experience of having to sit down and force myself to read some book by Kant in a day or something from those days.

As for enjoyment vs lookups, I think it’s a personal thing. I do basically no lookups when reading manga (although I don’t read that much manga) and I don’t really do lookups at all when listening either. Ah also on the now rare occasion I play video games I don’t look anything up. I think there’s a stage when lots of lookups are just inevitable though. My unscientific advice is to read as deeply as possible and look up everything you don’t know to whatever degree is tolerable. If doing no or fewer lookups gets you to read more then do fewer.

It’s also worth mentioning I live in Japan and although I use English 95% of the time in my job I still read paper documents written in Japanese daily, even if it’s only a few pages worth, and there’s no popup dictionary on a paper document (sadly). In that case I’m looking for specific information and my absolute comprehension of every word probably varies from 90-100% but I can extract the information I need just fine with no dictionary almost always. I don’t really count the Japanese I use at work or just when hanging out with a friend or something when I think about my study time as that stuff is just “life” but it probably adds up over time.


6/100 days
150/1000 kanji

  • Some new kanji, 20ish reviews
  • 150ish vocab reviews
  • Bunpro N3 lessons 5 and 6
Thoughts on むらさきのスカートの女 and a tangential mention of 海辺のカフカ, contains what may be considered spoilers

Link to the book’s Natively page. This one was a strange one in more ways than one. The story is told from the perspective of a mentally unwell stalker who seems to project a whole series of delusions onto the titular woman in the purple skirt. To cut to the chase, the titular woman ends up almost killing her boss who she is having an affair with and the stalker/narrator helps the woman run away from her crime.

At first I was kind of hooked by the premise but with the expectation that there would be some twist or development that would push me to think. The quality of the writing is simple but deceptively smooth and really got me to keep reading at certain moments as I had a feeling like “What the fuck is going on and what will happen next?” however, as I said, in the end it feels like it fizzles out and there is no development or variety of plot twist.

I would say that this is an above average book that is greatly helped by being read in a short period of time. Although the Japanese is on the easier side, if this were my first or even fifth book and I had to spend a month or longer going through it with hazy comprehension then it would be a pretty bad read. I’d imagine that it’d take and hour or two for a well-read native to get through and in that sort of case I’d recommend it. Tangentially, I have been stalled on 海辺のカフカ (Kafka on the Shore) for a while now as I have already read it in English and any sense of feeling pushed to resolve the mystery is absent. As such, I basically keep reading it in 10k character spurts during idle hours but it is yet to hook me. I read about 10k characters of it this morning, actually. It is relatively long (maybe half a million characters) and I am maybe 60+% of the way through it but knowing that the end just fizzles out (in my opinion) I can’ find the motivation to just sit down for a week and finish it. むらさきのスカートの女 felt much the same except due to it being so short and due to me not knowing how it would end I found it much easier to keep reading. Basically, I don’t think I would want to read it again.

3/5 for the book. I’ll continue my related thoughts outside this spoiler section.

I decided to do the “book in a day” thing on a whim as the night before my friend semi-sarcastically told me “you can easily read it in a day” and I am stupid enough to be baited by those kind of comments. Later into this 100 days I should have some days off work (which, as mentioned in a post above, will get much busier for me soon…) and I think I’d like to try and repeat this kind of challenge a few times.

As for today’s immersion, so far I read about 10k of 海辺のカフカ, started reading 変な家 and am about 5k characters in, and I watched about 30 minutes of youtube. I will probably update this later as it is currently only 18:10 here and I probably will get a few hours of reading and listening in, I hope.

Note on the format of these posts

I am gonna add a “currently reading” and character progress amount and also a x/1000 progress thing for the kanji as well so it is a bit easier to see what I am doing at a glance. Listening, vocab, and grammar have no metrics that I can be bothered to track or think would be useful to show.

Coming up for 22:00 and I’m about 20k characters into 変な家. I’m probably just gonna listen to some music and go to sleep so that’s likely it for today. Thanks for reading.

Currently reading:

  • 変な家, 19653/62734
  • 海辺のカフカ(下), 51935/222476 (was at around 25k at the start of this challenge, I think(?))
  • (Bunpro Book Club, Intermediate) スーパーカブ, 0/109076
  • (Bunpro Book Club, Advanced) スター・ウォーズ4, 0/169574

Completed (since the start of this challenge):