Deck Review Button?

Was it removed on purpose or by accident?
I’ve never used the Review All Button so there’s like 100’s of cards in there.
I should only have <100 due so it doesn’t really make sense.

I see you can still go into the decks to do a deck review so it’s not a big deal but just wondering why hide/remove it?

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Copying my reply from the other thread related to this:

Yes, we did push a change. The particular change with the review button was a necessary downgrade as we pinpointed that query as being the one that caused the decks page to have slow load times.

This change had a noticeable possible impact on the load times and was a necessary change as we anticipate there being a lot of new decks in the very near future (which the crowd icon is related to :eyes: )


Gotcha! Thanks for the response. So is the idea basically instead of querying all decks you just query the specific deck when the user opens it?

Maybe a dumb question since I’m not sure why they’re different but, is there a way to make my review all button match the reviews I previously had for the individual decks?

I really miss this button :sob:

Usually, when I was doing my reviews, I would choose the deck with the smallest number of reviews because doing a few hundred reviews all at once was too overwhelming for me.

Now, to still use this functionality, I have to open all the deck pages with unnecessary grammar/vocab content.

Is there a possibility to have this information displayed somewhere else, without any additional deck information? It would be awesome to have it under the review button.

Zrzut ekranu 2024-11-18 090342

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Given the unexpected sadness at the passing of the little review button, we actually discussed this idea internally.

I would be curious to know if this type of feature is something other users of the review button would like to have.

I would also appreciate any feedback around what decks you found yourself using the review button on. Was it primarily decks in your learn queue, old decks you had studied, something else? Would you want something like a “Review Queue” that operates similar to the “Learn Queue” where you can add decks to it and have them show up in this list?


Yes, I prefer to be able to prioritize some decks in my reviews quite often. Just yesterday I was trying to draft an extension that would have added deck shortcuts to the review dropdown but apparently you don’t expose a handle to quickly fetch the number of reviews for an individual deck :sweat_smile:

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I’ll describe what was crucial for me in the previous setup:

  • Reviewing in small chunks works better for me.
  • The ability to sort review rounds by the number of reviews (manually or automatically) was very helpful.
  • Finishing decks one by one and seeing the review count for other decks drop felt like fighting an army and watching their morale gradually crumble.
  • Reviewing a fixed number of random flashcards (e.g., in batches of 10) isn’t the same as focusing on a specific deck. This was especially important when reviewing old or new decks, as I needed to recall whether the flashcard was asking about older or newer grammar.
  • Tracking progress by observing whether I’d finished all reviews for N5, N4, N3… or for grammar/vocab categories was very motivating.

@AdamTheD @NeyoYamura
Deck review button is for now fully functional in the mobile app.

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Are those decks in your Learn Queue or just general decks?

@NeyoYamura are those all review queue decks or just general decks?

I use All decks (Grammar + Vocab + Textbooks + Non-JLPT).

Maybe we can have this feature only for bookmarked decks?

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Thanks! I’ll use it for now, but:

  • The review count doesn’t update when I switch between deck types (vocab, grammar, etc.). I have to refresh the app on the dashboard and then return to Content → Decks…, but the UX is poor :pensive:
  • I’m doing input reviews, so typing on a PC keyboard is much faster than on a mobile phone.
  • For now, I’ll use my phone to check the review count, but using Bunpro on two different devices is slowing down my reviews.

Hello! No, they’re not. I have quite a few (thousands) reviews pending across all JLPT decks after WaniKani sync, so I deal with them one by one, even though I’m not currently studying new vocab

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Didn’t even know there was a mobile app haha :wink:

Just a heads up to everyone missing the review button. It is back!

Given the unexpected sadness about this change, we have brought the little guy out of retirement on just the My Decks page. That means all the decks shown here (learning, custom or bookmarked) will have the button available.