スーパーカブ discussion (Intermediate) April 2024

I will see if there is some way we can work out something similar. For the first week at least, I might just see how the group goes with the pace before we decide firmly on how many pages we are doing per day. Once that is done, I can do a projection log including the last line of each day of reading.


I think it would be nice if the vocab deck could be divided in said weeks, so we don’t get overwhelmed with the whole thing at once and we know how many words we need to study for each one.


Hi! Will there be an “easy” way to use an ebook version of the text instead of the real book ? 5 pages in a book format = ? pages in ebook ?


Depending on what ebook reader you are using, you can usually display the real book page number rather than the location that sometimes displays by default. As ereader screens are often smaller than an actual book, you’ll just have to count the pages. 7 or 8 ‘swipes’ on an ebook might be equal to 5 actual pages.

Here’s how to display pages on a kindle - Guide


The Intermediate book club on WaniKani reads 15 pages per week. The Advanced book club reads 30-50 pages per week. Having just read a couple of pages, I think 35 pages per week may be a little too much…


Click here for our - スーパーカブ vocab deck!

Deck now available, please keep in mind that there may be a few missing words, as we are still currently adding them in. We will have all missing words in by Sunday at the latest, ready for our Monday start.

Please read here for info about our vocab decks and their future development.


I better understand the ecosystem around the book:

  • the novel
  • the audio version of the book (via Audible)
  • the anime
  • the webtoon (comic.webnewtype.com)
    Quite impressive! (and a sure way to get used to the story itself)

Thanks for the vocab deck! I’ve just started using it. Astonishing work!


So today is launch day, I’m in Japan, where are the you guys? I’m wondering when the majority might be online. I went through the vocab deck and manual marked words I knew as mastered which brought me to 53% studied. So probably a good choice of book club level for me. I think I could do another pass and set more words to at least seasoned but that was pretty time consuming. I read the pages and made some notes, I think in the future I’ll look at a digital set up. Those 5 pages were not an easy read mainly down to vocab and slow reading speed but then that’s why I’m here.


Feel free to start discussing the book now everyone! Please just keep in mind the general rules for posting at the top of this thread.

We will aim for a pace of 15 ~ pages per week (pages with dialogue), and then make adjustments if need be. If you read all 15 pages the first day, please be conscious of posting anything that may be spoliers for others! :checkered_flag:


I think we have a fair share of people all around the world. I am in Australia at the moment but am usually in Japan. Aus is 1 hour ahead of Japan.


Thank you for this! I read the first 2 chapters this weekend and was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the original pace of 35 pages per week. 15 pages per week is a lot more manageable!


Norway here!

20% studied for me. A bit over my level, but that’s OK. Armed with my Kindle with easy lookups I can read anything! I do see that looking up almost every word means that I lose track of the story. I hope that if I re-read the chapters a couple of times I’ll get more into it. For now I’m enjoying the challenge!


Thank you, I was also a bit concerned at 5 pages a day and 15 is perfect! Really enjoying the book.

Thank you for the deck as well that’s very handy! I love keeping my vocab study in Bunpro


Im in Kanagawa.

I just finished the second chapter, I honestly got sucked in to this. I am supposed to be reading Star Wars, but this has become my train companion and will be for the foreseeable future. There were a few things. But honestly I found this very readable.


Kanji side of things is a little difficult for me, which is why I went through the words deck with a microscope, and have a few observations:

page 1 (from ないないの女の子 to 親族):

登り のぼり missing from deck
敷く しく - I don’t see it in text, perhaps a misparse of しか
盛り さかり - I don’t think it’s this, it’s 盛り足す もりたす (but there’s no furigana)
点ける - another つける I think, 名前を付ける
奴 やっこ - probably just やつ, not a samurai attendant
さほど missing from deck
切り崩す きりくずす missing from deck
事,会う - this ~したこともあって is just a form of たことがある (JLPT N5) | Bunpro, so there’s no 合う
疎遠 (no furigana) - そえん

Enjoying the book quite a bit so far!


I’m a bit confused, The 1st week starts today? Or did it end today?
The discussion of the “whole” thing starts today, or are you discussing as you read?
Also, I have an epub, can anybody tell me what the last line should be?
I have never done book club stuff before. :sweat_smile:


Hi! It starts today!

I’m also working with the epub version of the text. If i look at the table of contents, i think we’ll stop at the end of chapter 2. So the last line of chapter 2 is

Is there any way to have a wiki-file of some sort while reading the book? i would really like to have a file we could easily edit. A google doc file ? It could make the experience easier : like having a list of characters (or proper names) appearing in each chapter…


The way I understood it is we discuss as we go, so on day 1 (today) pages 1-3 are fair game, etc with the aim of reaching p15 by Sunday.

Since we count from the beginning of chapter 1, print edition pages per chapter go something like this:

  1. pages 1-5
  2. pp 6-13
  3. pp 14-18

Thank you! I haven’t even started because I was preparing a bit more with that vocab deck, and for a moment I thought I was late already :laughing:


Well I did do the 3 pages today, but I admit I struggled quite a bit with it. I used Bookwalker + Yomitan to do so and I reckon my comprehension was probably like half or less.

This is clearly above my level, but I think I’ll stick with it and hopefully it will get easier with time and with the vocab decks we’ve been provided with. <3

Oh and as for where I am, I’m based in the UK.