君の名は。 discussion (Intermediate) August 2024

Yeah, this is good advice. I’m trying to only add words for now that seem very useful (or would soon have come up in the N3/N2 vocab decks anyway)


I was curious about 神楽殿 from here


and found a nice blurb about it here. The article goes into more detail, but the first two paragraphs are the gist.



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We’re past the second reading milestone now. How’s it going for everyone? Anything particularly interesting, funny, confusing, exciting, etc.? Near the end of the segment, I laughed when Yotsuha wanted to

... have her sister fund a trip to Tokyo by mass-producing 巫女の口嚙み酒.

I missed noting this in the last section, but here’s an interesting piece regarding ムー, such as in


[EDIT: I hit the consecutive post limit haha, so I’m tacking this new message onto this previous one.]

I swam on ahead in the reading. I thought to maybe take notes of things that stood out to me and post them at the appropriate time according to the schedule, but I’ve kind of lost track :sweat_smile: Mitsuha’s a real character! I’ll keep going and so will effectively drop out of the book club, but I didn’t want to just disappear, so this message. Super Cub and this have helped me a lot to figure out my own pacing and how to better learn from reading, so here’s a testimonial for everyone who participated–thank you, and good luck on your journey!

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Just as an update, I am finished with this first block and currently on vacation without my computer, so no reading the ebook.
By the way, is a vocab deck for this book still planned @Asher?

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I wonder why the author uses スマフォ instead of スマホ?
Are both common? Is this a regional thing?

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My guess is that it was just the choice of the author to use スマフォ. Technically, スマフォ is more correct since it is short for スマートフォン and not スマートホン, but because ホ is easier to say than フォ, スマホ is more common!


I’m a little late to the party but I like the movie so I’m tempted to buy this too - maybe it will be difficult to follow along at the same speed as this group as I’m WK 21. I’ll have a go

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Yup! I’ll try to get it up as soon as possible with the first few chapters at the bare minimum :bowing_man:.


Hi all,

I’m trying to catch up on the reading too. I saw this quite late and am probably about 3 weeks behind in the schedule, but I enjoy working my way through the novel.

Just wanted to comment and say that I really love the book club ideas and am also looking forward to the vocab list for this! :slight_smile: