Does Bunpro teach vocabulary?

What I’ve been doing recently with WK is, every time I fail a vocab card, I read aloud one or more of the example sentences that they provide. I think it helps build context around the word, practice sentence reading as well as output, and better remember the word next time. I definitely wouldn’t shoot down WK as only being good for learning kanji and nothing more, as long as you use everything that it gives you.


Huh, will be there a NSFW vocab deck? :speak_no_evil:

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There will be a NSFW vocab deck, but we will be limiting the vocab in it to things that are within reason of what we could respectably have. Unfortunately, there are a lot of words that are a bit ‘too’ NSFW, or outright offensive for various reasons. However, we are still planning on adding these words to our database so that users can add them to their own custom decks for whatever reason.


Regarding WK: I’ve been using it for a bit over two years now and I don’t have any regrets. I think before that I only really used Duolingo and I feel like reviews were a bit too harsh there. Reviews on Bunpro are a bit too harsh as well, especially with Ghosts. Personally speaking – and again, this doesn’t apply to everyone – I probably would have stopped trying to learn Japanese if I started with Bunpro rather than WK. WK is so much more easier to manage than BP and more straightforward. Plus learning kanji is kinda fun, whereas learning grammar and vocab can be a lot more frustrating, especially right out the gate, and especially with the ghosts (the first time I tried BP I think I ended up with like 100+ ghosts in the first day or two).

Of course with all that being said, I am here on BP 'cause WK is only helps so much. While it was fun learning kanji, I realized I still couldn’t really understand most sentences in Japanese 'cause I had little understanding of grammar. So that’s why I’m here, and it’s nice that both sites complement one another.

I feel like wrt leaning Japanese, I mostly see posts on this board, WK’s board, reddit – most Japanese-learning boards, it seems – discouraging people for whatever reason. “Oh I learned at such a fast pace, you should be able to read blank after however so many days!” “Don’t bother with that site, it won’t teach you as much as my method.” " If you aren’t able to read sentences like this after however so many months, you’re doing something wrong." I don’t think things like this really help people at all. For me, learning Japanese is a hobby. I don’t plan on making a career out of learning the language or living in Japan or anything like that, it’s just something for fun. And I feel like most people forget that and try to make it challenging, like this is school or a job. Chill. Just let people learn their own way.


And anyways, with all that being said, I came into this thread initially 'cause I clicked on some link in some other thread and started Vocab learning, and now I see in a few hours I’ll have my first review, but I don’t see any “New … Vocab” or “Reviews” for Vocab, just Grammar. Like this I mean

How do I see that but for Vocab? Do I have to be in the beta? If so, how am I able to access Vocab without being in the beta?

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I’m pretty shure you do have to be in the beta for them to give access to Vocab. I don’t know why that is so but it is what it is.

I thought the same, but as I said, I was still able to learn three Vocab words and I currently have Vocab review in ten minutes – or at least I think I do.


I believe the main way to learn new vocab is to do so using the Decks feature (part of the Beta, need to opt in).

There may be other ways to do it, but how I do it is to go to the Decks page, and I have ‘bookmarked’ a few of the decks, so that they show up at the top in the “Your Bookmarked Decks” section. Each deck has its own Learn and Review buttons, so when I want to learn some more vocab, I just click on Learn for whichever deck I’m currently focusing on.

There are various settings for each deck as well, such as selecting how many lesson items should be shown in each Learn session, etc.

Also, there’s a setting in Settings > General > Reviews called “Split Reviews”. If you set it to Yes, then you will be shown two separate buttons for reviewing just-grammar or just-vocab on the dashboard page, in addition to the combined-grammar-and-vocab Review button that’s normally there.

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Is there a way to study only the vocab that isn’t covered by WaniKani or to sort out the kana-only words?


Man do I have the website for you

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I wanted to give the vocab decks a try, but the lack of audio is a no-no in my book.

I’m not complaining tho. Voicing over almost 10K words for a non-flagship feature makes no sense.

I feel the same way. I added a few vocab words and I like the concept, but if there’s no audio then my study time is better spent somewhere else.

I don’t think it would be thaaat much work if they spread it out over a couple months. But I completely understand the team has other things to work on.

@pasan @thomas1985 Were you both wanting just the vocab itself to be voiced, or all of the example sentences for each piece of vocab? If it is the former, we may be able to get that done in a pretty reasonable timeframe.

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I would love this feature too. I went through the N5 deck and manually added kana-only vocab to my reviews which was pretty time consuming.

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If you sync with WaniKani all the words you learned (I think Enlightened and Burned) will get moved to Master on BP (so they count as already learned here and won’t show up in lessons or reviews). You’ll have to sync periodically as you go through WK, it doesn’t update automatically.

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Audio for just the vocab word itself would be great. Thanks for considering it.

Hi, Asher, thanks for reaching out!

The deck that I tried (N1) didn’t include example sentences, but maybe I did something wrong (not too familiar with the decks features).

I was just expecting the audio for the word on each card, but I honestly wouldn’t use it without the example sentences.

If you add voicing for the vocab, do you think you could add an option also. I think I’d like the vocab to be hidden for a second while it’s being spoken so I have a chance to recognize it by hearing it first. I’m very bad with recognizing words by sound

Wanikani offers 0 information of hiragana only words

This is no longer correct. There are plenty of Hiragana and Katakana only words now in WaniKani now.

Having said that, the way they are presented is not always helpful. Learning ko-so-a-do words one by one without examples and sentences doesn’t exactly help them stick.

I enabled the WaniKani sync feature yesterday in Bunpro, and it marked all the vocab I know from WaniKani as done in these vocab decks. Saves double work.

It also hides, if you want to, all the furigana from kanji you have learned in WaniKani already. That is neat, but can at times be shocking when I realize “Oh, I should know this.”

Fantastic features, I was so happy. :smile:

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