Falling Behind in Vocab

Thank you very much, and you too @TunaTaro. I will check it out and if I like it I’ll start incorporating it into my routine. A little concerned about spreading myself too thin though.


OP did clarify that they’re definitely learning kanji :slight_smile:
i agree though that a lot of vocab meanings (and readings) are absolutely not derivable from kanji meanings (example 出場, or 時雨 reading).


I just started out with Speechling too, so I can’t tell if it’s that good yet. But for now, anything that forces my brain to produce a sentence/word while speaking it out (and later comparing it to the recorded native speaker) is a step forward to me.

It feels more like the training wheels on a child’s bicycle because the grown up bike is really just being brave enough to talk to Japanese speakers (other than Sensei, lol), with mistakes and all. In my opinion, that’s the fastest way to learn but I’m still not confident.

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