Genki path has topics I have not learned

I think this has been asked before but I have not found a great solution. I’m using Genki which does not always teach polite and casual at the same time, but the Genki path won’t let me shut off the casual items so it’s not really a Genki path. So I’m left with a bunch of reviews that I get wrong because I have not learned them in Genki yet. Any help would be appreciated!

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Genki I 2nd Edition [Grammar] | Bunpro/ Genki I 3rd Edition [Grammar] | Bunpro

You can manually remove them from your reviews
Grammar point>your progress>engine>remove from reviews

But it doesn’t stop appearing on your lessons (if you use them), the only way I can think of is mark them as mastered and maybe bookmark so you know which ones you did that

What I do to avoid this is instead of using the lessons feature, go to the path and add manually the grammar points I want in my reviews

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Thanks, but won’t that remove the entire grammar point? Some grammar points in Bunpro combine the polite and casual, so I want to keep the polite but remove the casual (rather than removing the entire grammar point) to mirror how Genki teaches


Oh, I get it now. I don’t think there’s an option for that. Maybe you can only add the grammar point to your reviews if you learned both polite and casual versions?

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someone with the same question.

Either- you skip ahead now to lesson 8 to learn short form in the textbook
(or use some other resource like tae kim or cure dolly)
OR - stop using bunpro until lesson 8
It is impossible to use bunpro if you don’t know casual form unfortunately.

Both options are OK

When you let the Japanese stew in your brain until you get to lesson 8 you’re not that far behind - because you still learned it. You will be able to catch up quick.

Learning casual form now doesn’t take any additional time- because you’re just learning it sooner instead of later.


Welcome to the forums!

As the other users mentioned, this is currently not doable unfortunately.
What you can do is Mark them as Mastered, and bookmark them.

That way they wont show up anywhere, and you can come back to them later using the Bookmarks page.

A “freeze” feature has been discussed previously, but is still on the to-do list unfortunately,