漢検満点! Going for Gold! Perfect score on all levels of the Kanji Kentei Tests (Study Log)

I’m back with my high quality images and handwriting :ok_hand:

Please don’t look at my 切 :see_no_evil:

This is the first half of level 3. I believe two days per level is a good pace, I’ll be able to catch up pretty fast that way.



Studied: Reviews only

New Kanji: -

Had a late morning and worked literally straight through my waking hours. I managed to get my reviews done, but couldn’t do the next step page which is a review section.


Niiiice. Thanks for sharing. Your wife is the best lol.

Because it’s boring AF, doesn’t sell well, and many people don’t like school lol. It’s hard to self-discipline, especially in the beginning when it’s all just a hazy mental fog and a bunch of sticks in your mind lol. I’m with you, though, it’s so blindingly obvious I can’t believe I didn’t recognize the common sense earlier.

Drilling in the way you described has better results for me, too. I decided to use SRS as a supplement to drilling and not as a study deck or anything. SRS for kanji cards because kanji is a long term play and that’s the whole point of SRS. And the only other deck is a review deck for things I got wrong while drilling. When reviewing, I mark it either easy or wrong to keep the numbers down. I can scale up and drill like nuts if I need to without killing myself with SRS.

Too late :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Beautiful :heart:


My condolences to you as we both know too well what a pain this process is haha. At least brute forcing vocab does help learning kanji go by a lot easier once you start to focus on it. And I’ve gotta say, we really should be proud of how far we came and are still continuing forward. I hadn’t really thought about truly how much effort I’ve put into this language until talking to you about this lol. Most people give up way before going through that much of a struggle. Keep it up!


Thank you very much for your response.


I don’t see myself ever taking the kanji kentei but I’m trying to learn those kanji too. There’s a really useful app for Japanese dictionaries that I have on my devices. Here’s what the icon looks like so you know what to look for: image.

I use this app a lot. It has Daijirin, Meikyo, and the Kanken dictionary that the Kanji Kentei Test is based on. The dictionaries are expensive but worth the price if you plan on sticking with Japanese for the rest of your life.

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Haha, this thread has already motivated me to do more than I normally would have :laughing:

I didn’t find any time yesterday evening to do some handwriting practice, but I was like “I can’t miss a day again”, so I just did some handwriting practice today in the morning instead of my WaniKani reviews.

I had to start a new page just for one single kanji :joy:

This is the rest of level 3, starting from 台, so today, I’ll start with level 4 (while also leveling up to level 15).


Yeah I know the app. I use google sensei right now, but I’m considering going e-dict or upgrade my phone and get a nice dictionary like you said. Thanks for sharing.

Yessss keep going lol. Send me some of that energy back lol… I definitely need it. What is your study schedule like, anyway?



Studied: Reviews only

New Kanji: -

Couldn’t get to the next page in step again. Too much going on today. Bare minimum is to go through reviews, so at least I did that.


Very intense lol, if you had a look at my study log, you know that I have mad plans of learning Japanese in one year :wink:

My current daily study schedule is like this (also on weekend):

  • 25 lessons every day on WaniKani and all WaniKani reviews (that are currently about 180 reviews per day, that can go up to 250 on a single day, though)
  • Kaniwani reinforce the vocab I learn on WaniKani
  • Half a grammar lesson on Bunpro every day, which is about 11 grammar points for N3, and all my reviews, which is currently about 100 per day
  • Reading two chapters from the Tile World Chronicles every day (great stuff, especially for beginners like me, I highly recommend it), as well as all NHK Easy articles every day (I sometimes don’t manage to read all of them on one day, but I always somehow manage to read these that I didn’t read on the next day, in addition to the new ones lol)
  • I try to produce Japanese text every day, but that doesn’t always happen, unfortunately :sweat_smile:
  • Finally, handwriting practice every day to finish the day, currently with half a WaniKani level per day

I also try to do listening practice, but most of the time, I’m not able to do that lol, but currently, my main focus is reading, so it’s not that big of an issue.

I’ve been studying for almost exactly 3 months now (I started Nov 30th, 2023), and while I still consider myself to be very bad, I think I’ve made some decent progress, given the short amount of time :slight_smile:


Ahhh yes! I did see it on WK already. I confused you with a different person – I’m sorry! I think that’s insane dedication and progress. I should do some reading myself… even 1 page a day is better than 0 pages a day lol.

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  • 漢検漢字学習ステップ5級 (11-15 力試し)
  • Anki reviews

No new kanji


More kanjiiiiiiii


I’m back with even more kanji! My 他 is terrible :see_no_evil: (First screenshot starts at 号)

Also, got this displayed lol:


Joining with my own little kanji writing practice/review :stuck_out_tongue: … more colourful but also wasting a lot more paper than you guys xp not practicing for kankei tho, just want to be able to recall and write the kanji correctly

also lmao @NeoArcturus your writing practice made me realize that for some reason in my last few reviews i wrote 町 as 丁田 sigh

@crooks & @NeoArcturus - what radical is giving you guys the most problems? What do you guys like to write the most?
for me anything with a 力 is a nightmare (動 and 勉 kicking my ass :smile:) and my most hated kanji to write is 長 hahah
On the other hand i love writing things like 重, 書, 事 lots of horizontal lines and the satisfying vertical one xp


@Tatum This is beautiful! I love the colors :heart_eyes: Are you an artist by chance?

Keep them coming!

As for radicals… hmmm. In my recent reviews I couldn’t remember the name of 戈 as a radical (ほこづくり,ほこがまえ) because I never memorized the reading ほこ. And I missed the radical for 蒸 because I thought it was the “fish tails” at the bottom and not grass at the top. Also the radical for 起 is 走 and the radical for 巻 is 㔾 even though for both of them I want it to be 己.

My favorite character to write is 和. It feels and looks nice and balanced. The feeling I get when writing it kind of matches the meaning itself… almost poetic. For me it’s the perfect kanji idk how to explain it any more than that.

@NeoArcturus I’m feeding off your energy in both threads lol I hope your replies exceed 50% :laughing:



  • Anki reviews

No new kanji

Didn’t practice yesterday and today I realized what happened. My review count got too high and has recently been consistently pushing me over 1 hour study time… more like 1.5 or even 2. I fell into the danger zone where I felt stressed/overwhelmed/unmotivated to do any studying because of all the other things I need to do. Based on my life right now, 1 hour is the smallest effective unit that I can guarantee every day, and it’s also basically the maximum I’m willing to study every day.

It’s annoying but I need to lower my pace :disappointed: Slow and steady wins the race :turtle:

Going to cut each step in half and see how that works. I’d like to avoid tripling the time it takes me to get through a book, so I’m thinking a maximum of four new kanji a day and then do the practice problems on the day I finish each step. So in practice that’ll look something like: Day A - learn 4 kanji, Day B - learn 3/4 kanji + do the exercises, repeat.

For me, the name of the game is keeping anki low. It just works better.


I didn’t get to do any handwriting practice yesterday because life decided to give me a free one year coupon for iKnow, where I can learn the 6000 most frequent Japanese vocab, so I completely forgot to do handwriting yesterday :sweat_smile: I mean, a yearly sub costs about 60$, and I got it for free haha, why do I always have so much luck? :laughing:

We’ll see :wink: Since you’re posting almost every day as well, it’s probably rather unlikely that this happens :slight_smile:

That’s pretty hard for me to determine, since I haven’t been doing handwriting for that long yet, but one radical where I always feel like I don’t get the proportions right is definitely 力 :sweat_smile:

As for what I like to write most: That might change as I learn to handwrite more kanji, but my favorite kanji to write is currently 正! It feel so satisfying to write, and I like the look of it a lot! It looks a bit like a fancy version of the letter “E” hehe

Btw I love the colors in your handwriting!

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That’s pretty lucky… are you going to start doing iKnow?

@Asher @Jake I’d like to automate my daily study posts if possible… do you guys know if there’s a way to do that as a user? Like, do I have access to an API key that I can use or something? I couldn’t figure out how to send PM’s so I’m doing it in this thread. Sorry if it’s not an appropriate place to ask such a question.

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I’m back with my 4k quality images :wink:

Of course! When I already get such an opportunity, I should take it, right? :slight_smile:

I don’t think it’s a problem to ask here, but regarding PMs:
Just click on a users’s pfp and you should get a card like this:

Just click on the message button and you can start a private conversation :slight_smile:

(Although I’m not sure if you can see the button, as you don’t even have basic status :thinking: Perhaps the mods could promote you to basic?)


That’s right. My account isn’t privileged enough.

Kanji is looking good! I could never get mine to balance into a perfect square. As a result, it looks awful when I try to draw on whiteboards :laughing: