How fast is fast? - JLPT Grammar

Of course not :slight_smile: I intended that speed only for N5 and N4, especially since I’ve heard that N2 and N1 are mainly “vocab”. Also, I kinda want to do at least a part of the vocab decks whenever I have time (I already enabled the “Vocab/Grammar only” split for reviews).

True lol :rofl: I guess it’s because Japanese doesn’t use the Latin alphabet, so it’s automatically “harder” for many, so of course they have to complain how “difficult” it is :wink:

Yeah, there are quite a bit of “Vocab”- like grammar points in N2 and N1.
The main struggle for me in N1 is that quite a few of the grammar points are either very similar to previous N3/N2 grammar points or used in spesific circumstances that I am not exposed to (eg very formal, old style)
It took me 2 years to go through all the grammar points on Bunpro. In a way it was a bit too quick as my reviews pilled up to 1000+ at one point lol

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