How long does it take to completely max out a grammar entry

I’m curious, Most of the N5 stuff at 6/12 and it’s asking me to wait 8 days before I can advance them further. I’m hoping it’s not comparable to Wanikani making you wait 4 months between enlightening a kanji and burning it.

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It is the same as WK (I think) to a point, except to burn it, because after the 4th month review is the 6th month review. It takes a year from starting a grammar point to burning it if you never get it wrong.


Ah I see. In that case what would make a good pace? Start the N4 grammar slowly about now-ish?

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Hope this helps.


Your pace depends on your level and how you learn so there is no single best way. For example, I first joined after I’d studied in Japan for a year so I whizzed through N5 and N4, and most of N3 without really thinking much about it. Just do what works for you and you can always reset reviews if you want.


Hard to say. It depends on your time and tolerance for grammar reviews. If you do WK or another SRS system, you will most likely notice that BP reviews take more energy per review than vocabulary or kanji reviews do. And then it depends on how much time you have.

So if I was you, I’d add a few lessons a day or week, making sure to check out resources and that you understand each one, until you notice that your daily reviews are getting close to how many you can do a day. Then you can start figuring out what amount of daily reviews feel comfortable (remember that running on the edge of your ability to do each day means that one bad day sets you far behind), and try to keep it at that level by only adding new lessons when your daily reviews fall below your review comfort level.