How to read the top of the review bar

I’m sure this has been answered before but what exactly does the SRS number mean at the top right of the review bar?

Also, sometimes there is an image of a guy with a mask to the left of my review count. What does that mean.

Sorry for these elementary questions but I can see them addressed after much searching.

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Can you show screenshots?

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Hi and welcome to the community!

The SRS number is the level you are currently at with that particular grammar point. It runs from 1 to 12, the first interval being a couple of hours and the final interval being 6 months, after which that grammar point is retired.

As for the guy in a mask… are you talking about the ghost? If not I’m not sure what you mean.
If it is the ghost, please read this post: Ghost Reviews (Update! July 12, 2018)

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for the feedback Matt. Does the SRS number change depending on whether you get the answer correct or wrong?

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You’ll drop one level if you get a non-ghost review wrong and you’ll go up one level if you get a non-ghost review right.
The ghost reviews are on a separate SRS counter from 0 to 4, so these don’t count.

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