In such a bunpro slump at the moment

I can also relate to this thread. I’m currently doing N4 and seem to have run into what I’d call humble/honorific nightmare. At this point of the default bunpro path there have been a bunch of very similar humble/honorific grammar points thrown at me and I repeatedly get them wrong in reviews. This has turned up the frustration level to the max so far. And those things don’t seem to come up in my (limited) immersion, humble/honorific don’t seem to be used that much in the content I encounter, it’s either casual or normal polite, so I don’t even know how to deal with this.


Tbh I would just remove it from your reviews, and then when you start immersing in content that has said things appearing frequently, re-add it. No sense doing something that’s frustrating you right now, you probably have more important and bigger fish to fry in the grammar world!

At least, that’s what I did haha. Finished up N4 and then circled back to it at the end as a sort of “final challenge” before beginning N3. :+1:

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I feel this too, I’m really sad BunPyro is gone because that tool had a much better search option for finding the grammar option I answered with so I could try and figure out the problem, now that BunPyro Api app stopped working I’m thinking about brut force learning memorizing all the sentences for each grammar point to see if that can help me learn the nuisances

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Have you given our new official app a test yet? I think what you’re describing is a feature our app should help out a lot with. Or if you have and it still isn’t helping out, feel free to message me and we can see about how we can improve the app in the future (even if it still is in an early alpha stage.)


Ah, you’re… Right. I have been using it, I’m realizing that I probably didn’t notice this because I tend to search the database mid doing reviews and the new app won’t let me do that while I’m reviewing (in that app). Maybe I’ll use the old app to do reviews and the new one to database.


The only non-anime thing I’ve seen recently is Dad of Light. Some of the conversations in the office I found a bit difficult, but the conversations between the family at home were much easier to understand. A little cheesy and sappy (like a lot of Japanese drama) but not a bad series in the end.


I really enjoyed that series!

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I know the feeling as well, I made the bad decision to rush through N4 without considering all the other stuff I was doing in parallel, both in terms of vocab/kanji and projects at work. The result was that I kept the random deadline I had set for myself but now I of course have really bad accuracy for those items.

I’ve slowly managed to get a handle of much of it by now but some are just bouncing around in the level 5-7 region.
If there was a way to show the grammar by SRS level I would probably reset some of those but it’s too much effort to try and locate them in the full grammar list.

Now I’m adding items at a much slower pace and am getting better results. As said so many times, it’s a marathon and not a sprint.


I created an Anki deck for myself, when I study a new Grammar point I add it to the deck. When you review those points it becomes easier. We would really use an official Anki deck or something like that.


Don’t focus on how much there is to do, only think about what you are doing now.

Basically, the future can be scary. Who wants to think about how many reviews they have to do in the next few years before they reach X goal?
So instead just think about now.


Yeah! Exactly this, I completed N5 and N4 in a year meeting my abitrary deadline. And I have terrible accuracy .

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Just try to write sentences using these grammar points. Any good textbook (Genki, Quartet, etc…) has lots of exercises in which you have to write your own sentences.


following some recomendations here and it is doing some changes for the better I think.

to begin, I set ghost to minimal and I can see the difference/nuance in some sentences now in all those ‘judging from’ that I had in my 60 pile ghost.