Learn queue never goes down?

Since everyone else is having their say…

Personally, I just set the batch size to 1 and if I want to do another grammar point, I do another. If I don’t do any new grammar points on a given day (and just do my reviews), then oh well. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Maybe they should change the colour to grey after you’ve reached your ‘goal’ or whatever so it looks like the empty review button but still with your batch number on it, so you can learn more but it doesnt look like a notification @Jake


For current interface design standards, when there is a clickable button/icon with a number in a bubble next to it, the number means there is a number of items needing your attention and if you take care of those items, the number will go down as you take care of each item until it clears up. We are conditioned to expect that behavior because every website and every app uses it, and you will be hard pressed to find a single website or a single app on your phone/desktop that doesn’t conform to this standard behavior, so when Bunpro does it differently than everyone else, it’s not surprising that it causes confusion.


It’s not just that BunPro does it differently, it’s that the behavior of the two buttons side by side is slightly different, while having the same visual design language. We are already conditioned to believe that the number of “Notifications” should go down as we do tasks, and this is how the review queue works as well. I think a slight change in design there, maybe something like “Learn - Do your next lessons” or something like that

I also think the language in the guides and settings could be cleaned up a little bit. Something like referring to it as a batch of lessons and batch size in settings, onboarding and documentation would be more clear for me. Then it doesn’t necessarily become about how many are you trying to complete in a day, but how many grammar points would you like to study before we quiz you on them and add them to your review queue.

I think looking at that design language, and actual language would help reduce these discussions on this particular topic, that in just my first week here seems to be a fairly common misunderstanding.


I love how Bunpro keeps evolving and releasing things, but I definitely wish there was more of a structure as it took me a while to figure out the machinations of how it worked. Great product though!