質量 ( しつりょう ) mass
運搬船(うんぱんせん)freight ship
wow, I thought for 経緯 the common reading is けいい, but the one you listed is the more common one. Thank you for that.
and I guess I listed a word ending with ん, damn
New round:
誤り(あやまり)a mistake
酵素(こうそ)- enzyme
@Vrtulniky I’m still learning myself, I think it will just take more exposure. Seems like they overlap quite a bit but this is my understanding of the nuance based on the sources below and asking a native as well:
いきさつ - reason why it got there or order of events (how and the whole story), feels a bit more personal in usage
けいい - more likely in academic/business/medical/science settings (literal formula), directional based, nuance can change depending on context a bit more, reason for a certain result
I just skimmed the sources looking for differences, there may be more.
創立 (そうりつ)Founding/Organization
つもり - intention, plan
リンゴ - apple
クツワムシ - a type of katydid
品物ーしなもの, product, article
脳みそ - brain
空ーそら, sky
海獺(らっこ) sea otter
氷 (こおり)Ice
理想的 りそうてき ideal
気持ちいい きもちいい a good feeling
居間 (いま)Living Room/Sitting Room (western style house)