まだ- still
達磨(だるま)daruma, a round red doll sold at temples and associated with good luck and goal-setting
Thats a ん! I guess I’ll start a new game idk whats supposed to happen now
子犬(こいぬ) puppy
、 ごめんなさい! 失敗をしちゃった!
The rule says that you should start by saying ‘しりとり’. I will get the tail of your entry word directly and say: 縫いぐるみ (ぬいぐるみ) - stuffed toy
南口 (みなみぐち) = South Entrance/Exit.
地図学 (ちずがく) - cartography
クリスマス Christmas
Huh…I was just randomly looking for something else when I found this word.
キス kiss
魔術 (まじゅつ) = Black Magic.
対馬(つしま)Tsushima, an island off the coast of Nagasaki. The setting of the video game Ghost of Tsushima. I thought the kanji would be more like 津島
抹茶(まっちゃ) matcha, the drink the foreigners love but most japanese don’t lmao
茶碗蒸し(ちゃわんむし)chawan-mushi, a type of steamed egg pudding
仕事(しごと) work, career
搭乗 (とうじょう)
To board a ship, plane, etc.
状況(じょうきょう)state of affairs, circumstances
EDIT: I messed up!! I’ll fit in one that works 鵜(う)cormorant