砕け (くだけ) - breaking into pieces, shattering
(I came upon this word when learning ‘砕けた言い方’. It is a curious relationship, 砕け and 砕けた.)
砕け (くだけ) - breaking into pieces, shattering
(I came upon this word when learning ‘砕けた言い方’. It is a curious relationship, 砕け and 砕けた.)
喧嘩 (けんか) = Argument/Fight.
風(かぜ)- wind
全部(ぜんぶ) all
Bunpou? I feel like I’ve seen a word similar to that somewhere.
Hmm…I just can’t seem to remember… I’ll figure it out, eventually.
うんこ Poo
答え (こたえ) = Answer.
遠距離恋愛 (えんきょりれんあい) = long distance relationship
一刻 — a minute, a moment, an instant
曇り空 (くもりぞら) - cloudy sky
ラグビー - rugby
貧乏(びんぼう)poor, in poverty
上野 (うえの) = A District of Tokyo.
望み — wish, hope
満月 — full moon
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