銀行 (ぎんこう) bank
経歴詐称 (けいれきさしょう)- misrepresentation (falsification) of one’s past record (personal history)
海胆 - sea urchin.
It’s not very nice…
忍者! (にんじゃ) Ninja
日本国籍 - Japanese citizenship
金魚(きんぎょ)goldfish or in emojis
I literally just learned today that in English these can be called ‘potstickers’ when a friend texted me in English. Has anyone else heard of this?
I had never heard of that until literally a few hours ago. I always called them gyoza, or ‘Chinese-style steamed dumpling thingies’ before I could speak Japanese…
I had heard of potstickers without connecting them to gyoza apparently it comes from the mandarin 鍋貼 translated directly into english.
座敷童子(ざしきわらし) A protective household spirit originating from Touhoku which looks like a little girl with bobbed hair.
Wow I had no idea. You learn something every day! Thanks!
皺 - wrinkles!
七 / しち - 7
PS: How do I type Furigana?
チップ a tip
プレゼント present
becomes 例
becomes 振り仮名
時計 - clock, timepiece
Let’s hope the furigana works!
生け花 - Ikebana
Furigana 4tw
なす - eggplant
砂 - sand