午後(ごご)- afternoon/PM
午前中 - during the morning
Indeed, it is a charming film, サイダーのように言葉が湧き上がる. Another curious word I learned in that film is 出っ歯, bucktooth.
宇宙 うちゅう (outer) space, universe
was listening to a teppei podcast today about space and some planets. I found it really interesting that the planet names share traits with the days of the week. I knew 月曜日 was like moon and 日曜日 was well, sunday, but 火星 as mars 水星mercury 木星jupiter 金星venus 土星 saturn. 星 is read as せい here, other kanji read same as days of week. Doubt any of this would show up in any useful conversations but I still found it neat nontheless so I shared with you guys ^^
裏切り者(うらぎりもの) traitor
ノート - Notebook
トラック - both truck/lorry and track (both running and record/CD…)
クリア = Clear.
秋(あき)- fall
決定的な けっていてきな decisive, conclusive, definite
ex. 決定的な証拠品 decisive piece of evidence.
金曜日(きんようび)- Friday
(ignoring な since it’s an adjective)
微妙(びみょう) subtle/delicate
宇宙飛行士 (うちゅうひこうし) = Astronaut.
士卒 - officers and soldiers
つまり 詰まり - in short
料理(りょうり)- Cooking
流星 (りゅうせい) = Shooting Star.
慇懃無礼 (いんぎんぶれい)
superficially polite but actually rude; rude under a veneer of politeness; courteous on the surface but insolent at heart
The heck?!