ビール beer
累計 - current total, acumulated total
意思決定 (いしけってい) Decision Making
一件落着(いっけんらくちゃく) an issue being settled
口の利き方 (くちのききかた) = Way of speaking.
空港(くうこう) airport
I see there’s been a misunderstanding and you have answered to the second to last entry. In order to keep the sequence in its proper order, I will answer to both yours and @Jose7822 entries and say either:
卵 - egg (but also a budding expert)
口語 - spoken language
So off we ご!
Very slick. 行きましょう。
午後五時(ごごごじ)- 5pm
さすが!助けてくれてありがとう .
次は辞書 (じしょ) = Dictionary.
賞金 [しょうきん] prize money, reward
A Word ending with ん. Reset:
Lmfao I didnt even notice my bad
上達 「じょうたつ」Improvement
繋がり(つながり) link/relationship
流暢 (りゅうちょう) fluent
蜘蛛の巣 (くものす) Spiderweb
素晴らしさ - splendour, magnificence
That’s a verb (動く), so we need to restart again:
Right! Missed it! In fact, I put 素晴らしさ in order to bypass the 形容詞 limitation.
利益率 - profit ratio
That’s perfectly acceptable given that you’re converting the i-adjective into a noun, once you do that. I did worse with my Attack on Titan submission, lol.