棺架 (かんか) Bier
果肉 - flesh of fruit
草(くさ)grass (or laughter, more commonly)
For anyone wondering why 草 (Grass) is also used for laughter in Japanese, this is because 笑う (わらう) = To Laugh is commonly written as a bunch of “W” in text messages (i.e. wwwww). This is similar to how English speakers write “lolololol” or “hahaha” to mean the same thing. However, because “wwwwww” kinda looks like a grass field, the Kanji for Grass (草) is used instead.
次は参加 (さんか) = Participation.
甘蔗 (かんしょ). Sugar cane
書道 - calligraphy
上書き(うわがき) superscription
On a letter, parcel, etc. The address
奇術 - magic, sleight of hand, legerdemain
都合 (つごう) = Circumstance.
渦巻き (うずまき) Whirlpool
鉄 (てつ) Iron
釣り針 - fish hook
理論的に (りろんてきに) = Theoretically.
睨み(にらみ) glare
蕎麦「そば」soba, buckwheat (noodles)
I had to😘
バイト(ばいと)part time job
short for アルバイト!
登録自動車 (とうろくじどうしゃ) = Registered Vehicle.
借家(しゃくや) rented house