何れ(いずれ)anyhow, sooner or later
裏腹(うらはら) opposite/contrary
来日 (らいにち) = Visiting Japan.
痴漢 (ちかん) Molester
離婚訴訟 - divorce suit
…and a 四字熟語.
渦巻き(うずまき) Whirlpool
凶器「きょうき」Dangerous weapon, lethal weapon, deadly weapon, murder weapon
禁止 (きんし) = Prohibition.
散らし(ちらし) leaflet
Is that… perchance, from the first case of Phoenix Wright?..
I haven’t played it in Japanese, but I am guessing there isn’t a lot media out there with Thinking Man statue as a murder weapon lol
死体「したい」corpse, dead body
Lmaoooo yesss I’m playing through the first game so my most recent vocabulary intake has to do with murder cases highly recommend to anybody who loved the English/other languages? version of the game
医療費 (いりょうひ) = Medical Expenses.
一人 (ひとり) one person, alone
立派(りっぱ)splendid / indisputable / handsome / etc
パートナー - partner
再び (ふたたび) = A Second Time.