義母 (ぎぼ)mother-in-law)
Oops! You finished the game!
Well I’ll start with the last 2 kana of your word…
県庁 - prefectural government head office (something like that)
打ち上げ花火: (うちあげはなび) skyrocket firework
美的 (びてき) Aesthetic
危惧(きぐ)fear, anxiety
偶数(ぐうすう) even number
卯の花月 = fourth month of the lunar calendar
Thus ends the round
取り回し = arrangement (of pipes, wires, etc.); layout; routing (of cables); wiring
知り合い (しりあい) acquaintance
いい加減 - irresponsible
Indeed very irresponsible to end on ん
蛞蝓に塩 = crestfallen; dejected; shriveled (idiomatic expression → Like a slug sprinkled with salt)
ahh rightt I forgot ;-; sorry guys
オムライス - omurice
Fun fact (and how I originally remembered this word)- in the anime Dr. Slump there is a character called Suppaman which is a play on the word sour + superman. He is depicted eating sour plums.
EDIT - just realized I used an い-adjective.
インポ impotence
ポンプ = pump
I’d love to continue this theme - but sadly I can’t think of anything starting with プ that fits the topic!
プログラミング - computer programming
ぐったり limply. Close to continuing the theme
立体映画 = 3-D movie
I couldn’t think of any words within theme either