毛虫 (けむし) = Caterpillar.
白熊(しろくま) pollar bear
that may eat 鮪 (まぐろ).
Six 六 (ろく)
Well, I have a new trick up my sleeve. We tried days of the week, but what about…
九月 (くがつ) - September
Months in a year?
Hope you guys know your つ’s!
Yeah, well played! I’m up to the challenge!
だから、次の言葉は 付き合い です。See if someone makes the association.
Hmm it must be 移動性高気圧 (いどうせいこうきあつ)right? It even ends in (つ)!
Jkjk 一月(いちがつ)January
Haha! Nice .
通路 (つうろ) = Roadway.
Do migratory anticyclones happen in January!!?
Or it might be in 六月, which is the next word down the roadway.
メモ: 167
月一(つきいち)once a month
a kind of Japanese whiskey.
大抵(たいてい)- Usually
Pulling from my recent WaniKani unlocks
石(いし): stone
There’s nothing like skipping stones on a warm summer day…
七月 (しちがつ) July
筒 - cylinder, gun barrel and cannon
And four months already showed up, 1679. (my previous メモ was in fact wrong )
Does this work? I can’t remember if one can take the previous mora in an extended sound.
都合 (つごう) = Condition.
I believe so!
続き - continuation, sequel
教授(きょうじゅ): professor
十一月(じゅういちがつ) - November
Remember, remember