裸女 (らじょ) = naked woman
女と言いえば, 女性 - woman
BTW, you would think that 裸男 is らだん or らなん but no! it is はだかおとこ.
胃 (い) = Stomach.
亥(い)the Boar (from the Chinese zodiac)
田舎 (いなか)= rural area/countryside
いかが - how; in what way; how about
(This appears to be the polite version of どう. It can also be written using kanji as 如何, though it’s not so usual)
So…diplomacy is when a government associates/mingles (交) with the outside (外) world. Makes sense.
ルル rule
ルシャトリエの法則 (ルシャトリエのほうそく) = Le Chatlier’s law
空白 (くうはく) = Blank Space (or the Spacebar in a Japanese keyboard).
輪郭 りんかく outline
九分通り (くぶどおり) = about ninety perent
リットル - litre
留守番電話 (るすばんでんわ) - answering machine, answer phone
割引 (わりびき) = Discount.
危機管理 ききかんり crisis management
This word is amusing to me because I learned it from まちカドまぞく (街角魔族), a comedy show about magical girls, where a hopeless demon girl screams it every time in panic when she transforms into demon form.