I think you’re confusing this with いらっしゃいませ。
次の一定 (いってい) = Constant.
いつも always
yeah probably. sorry, i’m gonna blame being at work and studying too much to think. lol
もち米 (mochigome) Sticky rice
名刺(めいし)business card
信仰(しんこう)religious faith/creed
向光性 (こうこうせい) - heliotropism
実は, my entry was going to be the classic 高校生 but then this homophone showed up and I coudn’t resist.
イレギュラーズ = (Baker Street) Irregulars
Sorry, I am currently watching all the adaptations of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes (I recently watch Yuukoku no Moriarty, Miss Sherlock and I will soon finish Sherlock - The Untold Stories ← truly wonderful, as good as the BBC’s version in my opinion)
林檎摘み (りんごつみ) = picking apples
未来 (みらい) = Future.
Nice! Have you tried ‘Elementary’? IMHO, brilliant and clever adaptation.
次のは命 - life, life force and lifetime
There is the expression 命を落とす to say ‘to lose one’s life’.
And they lost their life due to a loss of blood from a vampire attack. (At least, that is my deduction)
地中海(ちちゅうかい) the mediteraniean sea(hopefully spelt that right)
伊勢防風 (いせぼうふう) = Glehnia littoralis
江戸時代(えどじだい)Edo period
意識 (いしき) = Consciousness.
筋萎縮性側索硬化症(きんいしゅくせいそくさくこうかしょう)Lou Gherig’s disease
Was telling a coworker about this word earlier so might as well lmao