見舞い - visit to someone who is ill, expression of sympathy, get-well letter…
(lit. whirling dancing-and-seeing)
見舞い - visit to someone who is ill, expression of sympathy, get-well letter…
(lit. whirling dancing-and-seeing)
• 委員会 • ー Committee
引退 (いんたい) = Retirement.
イギリス帝国勲章 - OBE
OMG would be 聖マイケル・聖ジョージ勲章.
• 腕枕 • ー Using one’s arms as a pillow
(lit. Arm Pillow)
来月 (らいげつ) = Next Month
理論的 (りろんてき) = Theoretical.
鬼滅の刃(きめつのやいば)Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
ばか = fool, idiot aka me
歌舞 ー Singing and dancing
分断前部 ( ぶんだんぜんぶ ) = orphan (one or more lines separated from the rest of the following passage by page or paragraph break)
負可能性 (ふかのうせい) = Not Possible.
イギリス = Some random land in Europe where they appearently speak English
スウェーデン語 (…ご)Swedish (Bork! Bork! Bork!)
御馳走様 (ごちそうさま) = Thanks for the meal.
儘 ー As (it is)
漫画家(まんがか)manga creator
限り - limits
リンゴ = apple