車庫 - garage
車庫 - garage
蠱毒 (こどく) = poisoning someone
車 = car
So, this is now a mix of kanji shiritori and normal shiritori? I like the idea hehe
麻婆豆腐 - a spicy tofu dish of Chinese origin. Pretty delicious, too!
複雑 (ふくざつ) = Complex.
津波 ー Tsunami
皆 (みんな) = Everyone.
雪崩 (なだれ) = avalanche
練習 ーPractice
(something I need a lot of)
集中 = something I don’t always have when trying to do my reviews because I get distracted by other things
中国語 (ちゅうごくご) = Chinese.
五 = 5
I like playing this game with you all. Won’t apologize for that
Kinda, I modified the IME2Furigana userscript from the WK forums so that I can use it in these forums, if that helps
// ==UserScript==
// @name IME2Furigana: Bunpro forums
// @namespace ime2furigana
// @version 1.0
// @description Adds furigana markup functionality to Discourse. When inputting kanji with an IME, furigana markup is automatically added.
// @author Sinyaven
// @license MIT-0
// @match https://community.bunpro.jp/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(async function() {
"use strict";
/* global require, exportFunction */
/* eslint no-multi-spaces: "off" */
// settings //
const DISCOURSE_REPLY_BOX_ID = "reply-control";
const DISCOURSE_REPLY_AREA_CLASS = "reply-area";
const DISCOURSE_BUTTON_BAR_CLASS = "d-editor-button-bar";
const NO_BACK_CONVERSION_CLASS_FLAG = "ruby-to-furigana-markup-disabled";
const RUBY_TEMPLATE = "<ruby lang = 'ja-JP'>$1<rp>(</rp><rt>$2</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>";
const RUBY_SPOILER_TEMPLATE = "<ruby lang = 'ja-JP'>$1<rp>(</rp><rt><span class='spoiler'>$2</span></rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>";
const FURIGANA_REGEX = /^[\p{scx=Hiragana}\p{scx=Katakana}]+$/u;
const KANJI_REGEX = /([\p{sc=Han}\p{N}々〆ヵヶ]+)/u;
const RUBY_REGEX = /<ruby\b[^>]*>((?:(?!<\/?ruby\b)[^])+)<\/ruby>/; // using [^] as a complete wildcard (as opposed to . which does not match newlines without the dotAll flag)
const SPOILER_BBCODE_REGEX = /^\[spoiler\]([^]*)\[\/spoiler\]$/;
const SPOILER_HTML_REGEX = /^<span\b[^>]*\bclass\s*=\s*["'][^"']*\bspoiler\b[^"']*["'][^>]*>([^]*)<\/span>$/;
const COOK_SEARCH_REGEX = /<(?!\s)((?:<\/?\b[^<>]*>(?!\[)|[^<>])*)>\[(?!spoiler\s*\])([^\]]*)\]/g;
const COOK_SPOILER_SEARCH_REGEX = /<(?!\s)((?:<\/?\b[^<>]*>(?!{)|[^<>])*)>{([^}]*)}/g;
// negative lookbehind might not be supported (e.g. Waterfox) - in that case use an insufficient regex and hope for the best
let greaterThan_regex = null;
try { greaterThan_regex = new RegExp("(?<!<\\/?\\b[^<>]*)>", "g"); } catch (e) { greaterThan_regex = /^>/g; }
const MODES = ["off", "on", "blur"];
let mode = 1;
let furigana = "";
let bMode = null;
let tText = null;
let dBanner = null;
let tTextValue = () => "IME2Furigana Error"; // will be replaced in injectIntoDiscourse()
// ---STORAGE--- //
mode = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("furiganaMode") || mode);
addEventListener("storage", e => e.key === "furiganaMode" ? modeValueChangeHandler(parseInt(e.newValue)) : undefined);
function modeValueChangeHandler(newValue) {
mode = newValue;
if (!bMode) return;
// trigger _updatePreview() by appending a space, dispatching a change event, and then removing the space
let textValue = tTextValue();
let selectionStart = tText.selectionStart;
let selectionEnd = tText.selectionEnd;
let selectionDirection = tText.selectionDirection;
tText.value = tTextValue() + " ";
tText.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}));
tText.value = textValue;
tText.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd, selectionDirection);
tText.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}));
function setModeValue(newValue) {
localStorage.setItem("furiganaMode", mode);
let dObserverTarget = await waitFor(DISCOURSE_REPLY_BOX_ID, 1000, 30); // Greasemonkey seems to inject script before reply box is available, so we might have to wait
let observer = new MutationObserver(m => m.forEach(handleMutation));
observer.observe(dObserverTarget, {childList: true, subtree: true});
// text area might already be open
function handleMutation(mutation) {
let addedNodes = [...mutation.addedNodes];
let removedNodes = [...mutation.removedNodes];
// those forEach() are executed at most once
addedNodes.filter(n => n.tagName === "TEXTAREA").forEach(setupForTextArea);
addedNodes.filter(n => n.classList && n.classList.contains(DISCOURSE_BUTTON_BAR_CLASS)).forEach(addButton);
removedNodes.filter(n => n.classList && n.classList.contains(DISCOURSE_REPLY_AREA_CLASS)).forEach(cleanup);
function setupForTextArea(textArea) {
const CLASS = "ime2furigana-is-listening";
if (!textArea || textArea.classList.contains(CLASS)) return;
tText = textArea;
tText.addEventListener("compositionupdate", updateFurigana);
tText.addEventListener("compositionend", addFurigana);
tText.addEventListener("keydown", e => e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.key.toUpperCase() === "F" ? cycleMode() : undefined);
tText.addEventListener("input", e => { if (e.currentTarget === tText && tTextValue() === "") bMode?.classList.remove("markup-found"); });
async function waitFor(elementId, checkInterval = 1000, waitCutoff = Infinity) {
let result = null;
while (--waitCutoff > 0 && !(result = document.getElementById(elementId))) await sleep(checkInterval);
return result;
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// ---MAIN LOGIC--- //
function addButton(div) {
if (!div || document.getElementById("ime2furigana-button")) return;
bMode = document.createElement("button");
bMode.id = "ime2furigana-button";
bMode.className = "btn no-text btn-icon ember-view";
bMode.textContent = "F";
bMode.addEventListener("click", cycleMode);
function cycleMode() {
setModeValue((mode + 1) % MODES.length);
if (tText) tText.focus();
function updateButton() {
bMode.classList.toggle("active", mode);
bMode.classList.toggle("blur", mode === 2);
bMode.title = "IME2Furigana - " + MODES[mode];
function updateFurigana(event) {
if (FURIGANA_REGEX.test(event.data)) {
furigana = event.data;
function addFurigana(event) {
if (!mode || event.data.length === 0) return;
furigana = [...furigana.replace(/n/g, "ん")].map(c => katakanaToHiragana(c)).join("");
let parts = event.data.split(KANJI_REGEX);
if (parts.length === 1) return;
let hiraganaParts = parts.map(p => [...p].map(c => katakanaToHiragana(c)).join(""));
let regex = new RegExp(`^${hiraganaParts.map((p, idx) => `(${idx & 1 ? ".+" : p})`).join("")}$`);
let rt = furigana.match(regex);
if (!rt) {
parts = [event.data];
rt = [null, furigana];
let rtStart = mode === 2 ? "{" : "[";
let rtEnd = mode === 2 ? "}" : "]";
let markup = parts.map((p, idx) => idx & 1 ? "<" + p + ">" + rtStart + rt[idx] + rtEnd : p).join("");
if (TEXT_UNDO_COMPATIBILITY && document.execCommand) {
event.target.setSelectionRange(event.target.selectionStart - event.data.length, event.target.selectionStart);
document.execCommand("insertText", false, markup);
} else {
event.target.setRangeText(markup, event.target.selectionStart - event.data.length, event.target.selectionStart, "end");
function katakanaToHiragana(k) {
let c = k.charCodeAt(0);
return c >= 12449 && c <= 12531 ? String.fromCharCode(k.charCodeAt(0) - 96) : k;
function cleanup() {
furigana = "";
bMode = null;
tText = null;
dBanner = null;
function removeBanner() {
if (dBanner) dBanner.parentElement.removeChild(dBanner);
dBanner = null;
function checkForRubyTags() {
if (tText.parentElement.parentElement.classList.contains(NO_BACK_CONVERSION_CLASS_FLAG)) return;
if (!RUBY_REGEX.test(tTextValue())) return removeBanner();
if (dBanner) return;
dBanner = document.createElement("div");
let bConvert = document.createElement("button");
let bCancel = document.createElement("button");
dBanner.id = "ime2furigana-conversion-banner";
dBanner.textContent = "Convert <ruby> to furigana markup?";
bConvert.textContent = "\u2714";
bCancel.textContent = "\u274C";
bConvert.addEventListener("click", () => { rubyToFuriganaMarkup(); removeBanner(); });
bCancel.addEventListener("click", () => { tText.parentElement.parentElement.classList.add(NO_BACK_CONVERSION_CLASS_FLAG); removeBanner(); });
tText.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", dBanner);
function rubyToFuriganaMarkup() {
let parts = tTextValue().split(RUBY_REGEX);
if (parts.length === 1) return;
tText.value = parts.map((p, idx) => idx & 1 ? rubyContentToFuriganaMarkup(p) : p).join("");
tText.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}));
function rubyContentToFuriganaMarkup(ruby) {
// should be able to handle both interleaved and tabular markup
// remove <rp>...</rp> or <rp>...<rt>
ruby = ruby.split(/<rp\s*>/).map((part, idx) => idx === 0 ? part : part.substr(part.search(/<\/rp\s*>|<rt\s*>/))).join("").replace(/<\/rp\s*>/g, "");
// get rt content
let rt = ruby.split(/<rt\s*>/).map(part => part.substr(0, part.concat("<rb>").search(/<rb\s*>|<\/rt\s*>/)));
// get rb content
let rb = ruby.split(/(?:<\/rt\s*>\s*)?<rb\s*>|<\/rt\s*>/).map(part => part.substr(0, part.concat("<rt>").search(/(?:<\/rb\s*>\s*)?<rt\s*>/))).filter(part => !/^\s*$/.test(part));
// add furigana markup brackets to rt
rt = rt.map(v => (SPOILER_BBCODE_REGEX.exec(v) || SPOILER_HTML_REGEX.exec(v))?.[1].replace(/[^]*/, "{$&}") || `[${v}]`);
// sanitize rb ("<" not allowed except for tags)
rb = rb.map(v => v.replace(/<(?!\/?\b[^<>]*>)/g, "<"));
// sanitize rb (">" not allowed except for tags)
rb = rb.map(v => v.replace(greaterThan_regex, ">"));
// sanitize rt ("]" or "}" not allowed)
rt = rt.map(v => v[0] === "[" ? v.replace(/\](?!$)/, "]") : v.replace(/}(?!$)/, "}"));
// pad rt/rb to be the same length
let result = rb.reduce((total, v, idx) => total + "<" + v + ">" + (rt[idx] || "[]"), "");
result += rt.slice(rb.length).reduce((total, v) => total + "<>" + v, "");
return result;
function injectIntoDiscourse() {
const oldGet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(tText, "value")?.get ?? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(tText), "value").get;
const oldSet = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(tText, "value")?.set ?? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(tText), "value").set;
tTextValue = () => oldGet.call(tText);
Object.defineProperty(tText, "value", {
get() {
return customCook(oldGet.call(tText));
set(value) {
oldSet.call(tText, value);
configurable: true,
function customCook(raw) {
if (!mode) {
return raw;
ASK_BEFORE_CONVERTING_RUBY_TO_FURIGANA_MARKUP ? checkForRubyTags() : rubyToFuriganaMarkup();
let halfCooked = raw.replace(COOK_SEARCH_REGEX, RUBY_TEMPLATE);
bMode?.classList.toggle("markup-found", halfCooked !== raw);
return halfCooked;
// ---ADD CSS--- //
function addCss() {
let style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = `
#ime2furigana-conversion-banner { transform: translateY(-0.25em); padding: 0.2em 0.6em; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; background-color: var(--tertiary-low, rgba(163, 225, 255, 0.5)); }
#ime2furigana-conversion-banner > button { background-color: transparent; border: none; }
#ime2furigana-button.active.markup-found { border-bottom: 4px solid var(--tertiary, blue); padding-bottom: calc(0.5em - 3px); }
#ime2furigana-button.active { background-color: #00000042; }
#ime2furigana-button.blur { filter: blur(2px); }`;
Glad you like it! The credits go to Sinyaven, though, I only modified a few lines
Btw, isn’t the reading for 父親 actually ちちおや? I’ll use that for the next word, but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong
山びこ = echo
ここ - here
That’s probably one of the laziest words I’ve ever played
九日 ー 9 days, 9th day
I stand corrected. You’re totally right!
○顔色○ - complexion