切符 (きっぷ) - ticket
ぷかぷか puffing
蚊 - mosquito
怪物 (かいぶつ)- monster
リボン - ribbon
Whoops, I forgot the main rule
Next round
つばめ - swallow
What do I always say when I order ramen?
They’re absolutely horrible, but Japanese people seem to love them.
So that’s my contribution. The foul, fermented bamboo shoots that taste like the devil’s armpits…
EDIT: I love bamboo shoots, just not when they’ve been through whatever process these things have been through!
回る - to turn, to revolve
I haven’t learned any words beginning with る somehow so I had to search one up to keep the thread alive
実家 - the family home
かたな- sword
First time playing this, tell me if I did something wrong
受付 (うけつけ) Reception
You cant end the word with ん as no words start with it so ill start again
深夜(しんや)middle of the night
梅干し (うめぼし) dried Japanese plum
萎む(しぼむ)to wilt
昔々 (むかしむかし) Once upon a time
I really like the sound of this word.