借用 - loan
<ruby> 借用<rt>しゃくよう</rt> </ruby>
You can copy paste this to add furigana
借用 - loan
<ruby> 借用<rt>しゃくよう</rt> </ruby>
You can copy paste this to add furigana
植木鉢 - Plant plot
地球 ー planet earth
操作 - Management, manipulation
金魚 - goldfish
To be completely honest I have no idea what this means, it was the first thing to pop up when I typed ぎょ into the IME lmao. JP Wikipedia says some type of lawyer 行政書士 - Wikipedia.
Ooo, a notary, like Jerry/Garry from Parks and Recreation! XD
寝食(しんしょく) - food and board, eating and sleeping
鎖 — chains
立派 ー splendid
ポテト - French fries
伽話(とぎばなし) - fairy-tale, nursery-tale
乗り場 ー bus stop, taxi stand, etc.
脳 — brain
裏切り者 - backstabber
吃逆 a hiccup.
Can also be written 噦, a character that I always quiz my Japanese friends on in the pub. Nobody has got the right answer yet.
留学生(りゅうがくせい)foreign student