露天風呂 ー Open air bath
鹵獲 capture
糞 ー Shit
測度 (そくど ) – measure
団栗「どんぐり」- acorn
When looking up this word on jisho I get “measure” in the mathematical sense, which has a very specific math-only meaning. Does this also apply to measurements in general?
林檎 ( りんご ) - apple
Honestly I didn’t know it as a word but just remembered the sound then confirmed it was a word after, must have heard it in an anime, but you’re right I’ll be editing that, thanks
I learned this one yesterday from the new episode of はたらく魔王さま (The Devil is a Part Timer):
ゴキブリ — cockroach
Fun Fact: In restaurants, employees will use the name 太郎さん for cockroaches so customers don’t hear them saying ゴキブリ.
囲碁 ー Go (board game)
豪華 — extravagant, splendid, gorgeous
蟹 crab
- 肉体(にくたい)----Flesh
いらっしゃいませ ー Welcome
悪戯 - prank
落語(らくご)A traditional performance
語学・ごがく・study of foreign language
黒い ・Black