Got it! So い adjectives are banned but what about variations like 痛み、悲しさ?
イタリア - Italy
Got it! So い adjectives are banned but what about variations like 痛み、悲しさ?
イタリア - Italy
アルバイト part time job
I wouldn’t know much about those, I’m but an N4 pleb.
@Rukifellth @acyanto the game is for nouns only, and while you can technically remove the い from an adjective and replace it with a み or a さ to nominalise it, you can do this with every adjective, so it generally isn’t allowed.
特別 - special
Edit: My word was 特別, which is a な adjective. These are allowed without the な.
I posted a link from a Cure Dolly site that explained the rules very well if the first post doesn’t make sense.
ツンデレ (つんでれ) - Tsundere " Normally being cold but at some prompt suddenly becoming lovestruck"
Thank you!
コオロギ - cricket
ギター guitar
太陽 (たいよう) - Sun
牛乳 (ぎゅうにゅう) - Milk
初心者 (しょしんしゃ) - Beginner
社長 (しゃちょう)president (of a company)
うなぎ eel
銀行 ぎんこう bank
運動会 - sports day
印象 いんしょう impression
ナッツ nuts
爪 (つめ) - Finger Nails