喉 (のど) - Throat
ドキドキ - The sound of a heart beating fast
キャンプ場 (きゃんぷじょう) - Camp Ground
迂闊(うかつ)-うっかり・不注意 (careless)
通知(つうち) - notice, notification
チ-ズ (ち-ず) cheese
随時 (ずいじ)- whenever necessary, as needed, at any time.
字幕(じまく) - subtitles
黒猫 (くろねこ) - Black Cat
言葉(ことば)- Word(s)
爆発 (ばくはつ) - Explosion
繋ぐ(つなぐ)- To connect
We seem to have used a verb. Do you want to start a new game starting from しりとり or would you like to use a different word?
Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was a rule… is it always a noun? ごめんなさい!
Let’s try: 使い方(つかいかた)ー Way of using
Does that count, since it’s technically a noun even though it is derived from a verb?
No worries. You can reference the first post in this thread with the rules. There are some other others, but we’re not worrying too much about the advanced rules here.
If you’re unsure of a word, feel free to look it up on https://jisho.org/ and check if it’s listed as a noun on there. 使い方 is acceptable here.
暖房 (だんぼう) - Indoor Heating
Thank you! I literally guessed from what others were doing and read the summary of a website on the rules…heh.
運命(うんめい)ー Fate, destiny
曰く(いわく) - pretext
(Apparently this is a noun according to Takoboto even though it looks like a verb w)
Oh yea, that one shows up as a noun for me too. Like those な-adjectives that actually end with an い.
クリーム (くりーむ) - Cream/Ice Cream
無理(むり)ー Irrational, illogical, unreasonable
理想 (りそう) - Ideal