Limit SRS interval to the end of the day?

I would guess it is an insane amount of ghosts? I would just delete all the current ghost reviews and then slow adding new grammar points way down as clearly they aren’t sticking. Different strokes for different folks though.

Regarding the title of this thread: You can just log in once a day and do one review session. Ignore any number written anywhere other than the one that tells you how many reviews you have when you log in. The Bunpro SRS isn’t exactly sophisticated so it shouldn’t change your retention in any significant way. It is technically less efficient but then if you care about doing reviews exactly as they come up then I guess you need to be on-call 24/7.


If all of those reviews are only for grammar, it sounds like you should slow down on lessons. The same point should only repeat multiple times a day right after you learned it (if you do the reviews when they come up), everything else is ghosts from getting it wrong.

I personally like the shorter intervals at the beginning, I’ve tried only reviewing once a day and I often completely forget the new items by the next day. I’m also used to similar intervals from WaniKani, and I just started using Kitsun which seems similar in that regard, so I really have no complaints there.


Uhh if you want my opinion, this has nothing to do with ghosts. It mostly sounds like you added way to many grammar points way to quickly. And at the start of learning grammar reviews you get them very often. You can just google the SRS levels but that just sounds like it’s the problem.


Not really. I added about the same amount every day without trouble.

The problems started when I couldn’t do all reviews for a few days and they piled up. In Anki that wouldn’t be a problem (I had it many times for the same reason there). But in Bunpro I really get in trouble if I can’t do the reviews in one run in the evening because problematic cards then will come multiple times per day when I work on my reviews again. So the mountain of reviews gets smaller very slow and you end up wasting a lot of time without any positive effect.

If the minimum interval would be 24 hours like in Anki you could reduce the pile of reviews bit by bit over the day and would see some progress. But Bunpro actually punishes you for doing multiple reviews on one day because it confronts you with the problematic cards over and over and over again which is just a useless waste of time and creates a lot of frustration which makes you remembering stuff even worse. At least for me.

I absolutely hate the hourly SRS. It creates other problems too. E.g. if I do my reviews on the weekend at 11pm and have to go to bed on 10pm on work days I will miss a lot of reviews on Monday which then move to the next day piling the reviews up. That doesn’t happen with Anki’s SRS either. There I can do all reviews from Saturday at 11pm and at 10am I could already do all reviews for Sunday. I don’t have to wait until 11pm like in Bunpro.


Login in only once a day would only work if I can do all reviews in one run. Otherwise the reviews will pile up.

When I have, say, 300 reviews due, I just can’t do them in one run, I never have that much time. So I have two options. Doing them in multiple sessions (which will confront me with cards I got wrong over and over again in a single day) or letting them pile up like crazy which makes the problem worse.

I tried both and both are no solution if you have a lot of reviews piled up.

I also see no positive effect with getting problematic cards multiple times a day. I don’t learn them faster that way, the brain needs some rest and distance sometimes to get something. It’s just wasting time for nothing.

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I think this would be a good solution, too.

For me, it helps to see problematic grammar popping up more than once a day. Also, I come back here multiple times - I often do my Bunpro at random times of the day whenever I’m free at work, and so the staggered effect works in my favour. It’s beneficial for me, so I wouldn’t like to see the whole site turn to 24hr intervals.

However, it would help you and several others who’ve mentioned so in this thread. I don’t see any harm in it, only good, but of course I’m no coder so I don’t know how difficult it would be to implement.

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You could also just wait a day after review sessions. But I don’t really understand why you want to micromanage reviews so much. If you’re having problems with getting stuck on certain reviews I think the best solution is make a custom cram session or maybe just remove a few of reviews you keep getting wrong and add them back at a different date.

Also you don’t have to do all of your review pile just because it piled up. They wont expire. Learning is a marathon not a race anyways. Also since it kinda seems like you are advanced in the language maybe the solution is telling the site that you know a lot of the lessons. Which you just have to scroll down and click a button for.

Beyond that I hope you figure it out because I’m kinda stumped on what to do. And I don’t think they’re going to let us change SRS sessions anytime soon since those sessions are what they built the site around (even though I personally think the system needs work too)


Could you (OP) maybe post a screenshot or the number of reviews you have in each level? Maybe your stats as well (retention etc)? Having 300+ reviews a day consistently is really unusual…

Without that info it is very hard to offer advice that isn’t just “do less”. I do agree the Bunpro SRS isn’t great but many people like it and I think Wanikani uses a similar system (although I have never used Wanikani and don’t particularly like the idea of it, it still has many many fans). I generally just do my reviews once a day or even two days and it is perfectly fine but then I don’t have 300 reviews a day(笑)


Next time, turn on vacation mode.

Going to wake up to 300 reviews and that’s going to be a bummer? Turn it on overnight.

Done 200 in the morning, there’s 100 to go, and by the end of the day there will be 300 more? Turn it on after you do the morning reviews.

But really, it sounds like you have too much stuff. I hade that mistake at first. Had to do some heavy reorganizing. Originally I opened up pretty much all the N5 content and it was a disaster. To fix it I set most of the first 1/3 of the N5 stuff to ‘I know this’ and then removed from reviews. Then I re-added some stuff that I actually did want to do. Then the last 1/3 I reset and removed from reviews. I left the middle, but did complete and/or reset and remove a few things.

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That’s actually an interesting hack for that problem. I didn’t think about that, thanks!

The source of my problem was just that I had not much time last week and did not all reviews for a few days. Now it’s down to around 250 per day (including the ones I got wrong that keep coming back) and I have time on the weekend. Should be back to normal by Tuesday or so. I also have a success rate of over 90% again now, that makes it much less frustrating than in the last days where I were at around 50-60%.

But I still dislike the hourly intervals very much. E.g. I have a long train ride now where I could easily finish all due cards for today but I have zero cards due now and in the next hours there will appear around 120 due cards just because I did a lot of reviews yesterday between 8 and 10pm. So I can’t use the time that would be perfect for me but have to do them later at home when I don’t really want. I don’t like that concept.

I don’t have that problem with Anki and its daily intervals where you could do all reviews for Friday at 11pm and do all reviews for Saturday at 1am already if you wanted to. Without any vacation hack. That’s much better for my taste.

I’ll try to keep it down to 50 reviews per day and do all of them in an single run in the morning. That should bring back the fun again next week.

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As everyone has been saying it’s the ghost reviews, just turn those off and you will 10 times happier.

Little update after a few months for people who stumble upon this thread when they have the same problem:

I worked down the mountain of reviews which happened quite fast at some point, similar to how fast it appeared.

After a few days I disabled ghost reviews like Sidgr recommended. That makes quite a big difference, my review count stayed quite low since and I don’t see any negative side effects. I wonder what’s the benefit of them. I don’t think I’ll ever activate them again.

The most important point seems to be keeping the reviews on a low level. I reduced new cards from 4 or 2 per day to 2 or 1 per day. That also helps understanding cards you have problems with because you have more time to analyze them (my main problem are very similar grammar points and writing them down in groups helps a lot). I have no problem learning 10 words per day but grammar is a different beast.

I wanted to learn as much as possible because I went to Japan for a few weeks in March. But I discovered that while I understood nearly everything people were talking in public (they mostly use really simple grammar) my level dropped below N5 while actually talking to people anyway. :slight_smile:

I still hate the hourly reviews though. I really would like to do all cards of one day in one run at a time I choose myself like in Anki. Doing them every day at the same time (as a workaround) is also not a good solution for me.


To clarify, while I think so those who have gotten swallowed by the review pile to purge theirs ghost review. I Still think them being set to minimal is a good happy medium when you have a good review balance.

Glad to hear that your studies proved to be working while you were on you trip.