Minor Updates Changelog [July 8th]

Thank you for reporting that. It should be fixed now.

@qazrt @Edo9

Our insidious plan to force you to memorize kanji quicker has been exposed :sob:
Joking aside, we bumped the size of the Japanese in the example sentences a little bit. Please let me know what you think.

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Noticed it immediately and it definitely helps. Thanks.

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I’m still seeing this bug. I see it with " お祖母ばあさん", for instance.
This bug appears when looking at the examples of a grammar point and you click on a word. Clicking on the word brings up a window that shows the word and a bunch of example sentences. When clicking on Show English there, English doesn’t appear.
If you simply do a vocab search, the English does appear.

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It’s exactly what I thought at the beginning :joy: :joy:

It is definitely better than before; now I feel less like my grandfather when he reads newspapers with his analogical 200% zoom (aka big-ass magnifying glass).

Thanks, and have a nice day!