My log of a stupid idea of pure self abuse

Ooooh, they have quite the library! Just spent the last five or so minutes browsing. I wasn’t planning on adding any more SRS workload pre-emptively anymore (only once I encounter something), but seeing as this would be highly targeted… Might consider it. Thanks for pointing this site out!


No problemo! Yeah, I need to spend more time on the site myself but it seems to have a lot of cool features. I know some people like to load up words before seeing them in a novel (so they don’t struggle) vs just seeing it organically, so it’s always nice to have that choice for either or.


Wow, this really makes me wanna get off my lazy butt and read some more, haha. I wish you the best of luck with this goal! Definitely keep checking back in with your progress. :slight_smile:


@mathijsdm It’s been almost 7 days since that counter moved up. Just saying.


Haha, There, updated ^^ I’ve been reading one volume per day, but I was only planning on updating once a week or so. I’ll try my best to log it more dilligently from now on :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, that is impressive! I am soon-to-be-N5 and reading manga verryy slowly, like 10 easy pages per day. I also don’t understand it all, but I try my best:). Well, haha, I think I will start with 100 books challenge:).


Neat, at that pace only 993 days to go!

I’ve been reading the Tsubasa Bunko novel I selected, but it’s quite plain, cliche and sorta boring, so it’s going slowly. Positive side is I’m almost understanding everything


Hey, that’s already a really good pace! When I started out even one page a day was pushing it! You’ve got this!!!

Snails pace is still a pace :stuck_out_tongue: Though I will probably speed up on manga at least on the weekends, week days one volume is all I can manage mentally :sweat_smile: Books will take me a lot longer though, don’t think I can finish one (even an easy one) in a day :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s fantastic to hear! Would you mind saying which title? I hadn’t heard about Tsubasa bunko before, but a quick Google made me quite interested, might pick up some (should see if I can get them on bookwalker, imports take a looooong time since corona --’ )


The one I’m currently reading is Hoshi ni Negai wo!

I’ve added them to my Book Meter profile.

It also seems to be the less popular of the 4 I bought. Not sure if I’ll try Kaitou Red after or if I hate myself enough go for Haruhi.


Keep up the good work!! The beginning is really tough as you have no idea what you’re reading is proper or not, unless you always have the ENG-translated manga side-by-side. I would highly recommend utilizing wanikani’s book club function as they have beginner manga where people constantly ask questions, probably some of the same questions you have!

Plus, I just checked and the beginner manga they’re currently reading was a REALLY fun read in English.


That moment when you read three volumes because you want to finish up a series by the end of the weekend and then discover that two more volumes have been released since you last bought some :sob:


Ahahahah something similar happened to me in a net cafe, when I was covering from the rain in Shibuya.

I was like “Wait, this series that got animated in 9 short episodes of 13 minutes has 16 volumes?”

The series in question

Rec (manga) - Wikipedia


Hahaha, I can imagine :joy:

Would you give rec your recommendation? Always looking for more stuff to add to my list!

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The anime was good, take in mind it’s a bit of a roller coaster though. I have the physical manga still on the backlog, it’s on the hard side for my taste. I’ll probably start with Nagasarete Airantou when I feel a bit more confident first.

And yes they have markings of a Netcafe, but hear me out. Used books in Japan are dirt cheap.
If you ever go and have an extra bag like I did, fill the bag with books. The 16 books cost me 7€


Wait wut? Damn, I think my cheapest (non-digital) single volume manga has cost me around that much :sweat_smile: Guess I should really buy some stuff in person in Japan instead of importing all the time… Would save me even with the price of the airfare :stuck_out_tongue:


I used to import them too, for example, I imported 44 used volumes of Hayate no Gotoku for 40€.

Some of them came with the first press bonus even! Cool stuff.
Shame the importing bridge died where I was getting it from.
Now the only way is only ordering online to a proxy and deal with customs, or buy them there and bring them over in your luggage.


Haha, damn. I already knew I was bad at finding deals, but seeing these prices :sweat_smile:

Oh well, might move my trip to Japan up to next year then, was planning on reaching at least N1 before going, but will really consider going earlier now!


You don’t need N1 to enjoy a casual trip to Japan!

In fact, on my first trip I was at 0 Japanese, only the exposure I had from Anime.


In general I agree, sadly my financial situation will only allow me to go once probably, so wanted to maximize the enjoyment. Oh well, things to consider :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, I plan to go sometime in the future again.

So if by chance we get to match dates we could hang out!
I had it planned for this winter, but is still closed since March 2020 for tourism. Sad times.